Tele Tapping This is a very easy technique that will allow you to make maps similar to the maps that are under the glass on snowbound. Ok you need to do three things. Number one, this is a biggie so try not to forget, be in Forge. Number two, make sure you are not host. Number three, spawn a teleporter on the glass you wish to tele-tap it through. Use Snowbound's ghost spawn for starters. Ok. Your in forge, you have a teleporter, you have a lack of host, and a smile only a mother could love. Try to be at a 65o angle. This is the hard part, tap A until the receiver node or two-way node falls through the glass. When it does, hopefully it will, spawn a sender node and fly through. You are now under the glass. Go into theater mode to explore more of this underground area. ------------------ Becoming Weaponless Ok. You will need two players for this. Have Player One, hereby referred to as P1, spawn a bunch of weapons with in a reasonable area of each other. In case you mess up. Have Player Two, hereby referred to as P2, stand over the weapon you are going to use. Easy. P1 and P2 need to select a weapon, P1 will attempt to pick up the weapon in Forge mode by pressing the A button. P2 will try to pick it up in human/elite mode by pressing RB. You have to do this at the same time. I suggest counting to three. Ok. If you both pick up the selected weapon at the same time. P1 should see the reticle showing a grabbed object, however he will not see the weapon. P2 will have the weapon picked up like he normally would. Deleting this object will cause the player to lose this weapon, don't do it just yet. P2 will now have two weapons, assuming he did not switch his weapon earlier. He will have the starting weapon and the weapon you just picked up, I'm going to pretend it was a plasma pistol. The pistol is glitched. Make sure P2 has his assault rifle out, have him switch the AR for a battle rifle, using the glitch I just told you about. Delete the battle rifle and P2 should only have a plasma pistol. Have P2 stand over another plasma pistol. His screen should show that he can switch out plasma pistols with RB. Repeat the glitch again P2 will throw down the old plasma pistol for the new one. P1 should now delete the plasma pistol. The result is that you are weaponless. Try not to hurt yourself. Note* you can not perform this glitch if P2 picks up a weapon or your timing is off. You have to spawn a new weapon. One chance per weapon. Video of elite animations while weaponless. ----- Overloading This is really easy. Spawn two trip-mines and set them to instant respawn. Just start throwing a bunch of mines in a pile, and the game will basically lag itself to hell. Detonate them and you've done it. On snowbound all the shield doors disappear and the guns won't fire. Coolio! ----- Problems? I may have written the tutorial incorrectly. If you know of any mishaps, please inform me.
For weaponless the easier way is just to have someone delete the weapon at the same time as you pick it up.
Essentially, however you are falling through glass not actually the level, and really your not actually falling the teleporter is.
Dude that would be sweet!!!!! Espically the overloading glitch. But when i tried the telle thing i didnt go in a 65degree angle. but uno anyway still great post.
That was just a suggestion. Wasn't meant to be taken literally. 65o does give you a good vantage point.
DANG IT NITROS!!!!! i was going to post a toppic later on tella tapping but you did it first. BTW your other slitckes are cool
Every time I try the overloading glitch it locks up. Can I not be host on that one either? Thanks, Tim
You might be going for too long. Just get a nice pile going and detonate them. Remember you can test by looking at the shield doors.
I think I know what I was doing wrong, I wasn't blowing them up, I was just throwing till they disapeared. Could that be it? Thanks Tim
Glad you brought this up Nitrous. I saw a video of the getting weaponless and overloading but it wasn't tank helpful. Thank you for the clarification, this will be of much help to me.