Storage Box! With Gametype Flame On! This map was my design. It is a pretty small, but fun map. But one of my friend's friends made the gametype. Theres not much of a description except that this Gametype is MODORATED!!!!!! Now Heres the pic. Overview Download URL's : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Goodbye and have a pleasent tommorow! P.S.-Happy Forging!
You should have at least 3 pics of the map (although it's pretty small - maybe some action pics) If the gametype is moderated you shouldn't really post it as it may result in an infraction. As for advice, maybe a wall could help players stay where they are supposed to be. Sorry, but this map doesn't really stand out for me, hence the critising comments.
More pics would be nice I don't exactly know what or how you play. Add a better discription and I'll DL