This game type is to be played on Last resort. Instructions for making map: Play one flag CTF -Take the flage and put it inside an open container with the open side facing up -put the container in the middle of the map -put a crate next to the container so people can jump in side of it -remove all grav lifts except -put remaining grav lift where the invisibility is -Disable grenades The point of this game is to have the two opposing teams fight over the flag as well as the only grav lift. Once some one is in side the container they cant jump out the only way out is if a teammate bring the grave lift inside to help you out.
interesting idea, why didnt you make it yourself and post it on ur fileshare? if you want, ill do it for you, i just dont like to steal ideas
I think he meant the equipment one that you can deploy where ever. He is giving dirrections on how to make the map and then how to play once you've loaded it up in customs.
my hard drive is in for repair i wont be able to put it on my file share for a few more days but when i get it i will.
This actually is a novel idea. It would make for some insane last moments ditches when the poor guy who has the flag is getting spammed/mauled with frags and the sort. Perhaps toss in a single bubble shield that can be used to protect the flag guy in the box? It'd be another good thing to fight over. Question: what about spawning? How would you place the spawns so that each team has an equal chance to get the flag (and the equipment)? Overall, this is a great idea. I look forward to it being developed!
*gasp* lance did not write in green... This idea sounds really good, I would like to play it. Why Last Resort though? -Donuts
there are gravelifts in equipment that you can pick up. great idea. you should have made the map urself though. i suggest u make one and post it before sum1 else gets the cred
It sounds pretty interesting.the only thing is is whether or not you cant get out of the flag area and live. cause all you have to do is wait outside for the people to go get them and there would also be alot of dead people that go in that hole and if the grav lift gets wasted, your stuck till it spawns again. What you could do to fix this is make a variant where everyone can get out of the flag area by jumping normally (lower gravity) but when someone picks up the flag they cant get out of the box because the gravity is normal. So the inital gravity is actually higher than normal
Sounds interesting, maybe you could put a sideways shield door (What do you mean you don't know how?!) to protect the flag holder. Anyway, couldn't he just jump up and throw the flag out of the container?
The original post was on December 3rd. There was no Rat's Nest, and thus Last Resort was the only map with open containers. The problem with this idea is that don't grav lifts boost objects into the air too? A container might be too heavy, but couldn't someone drop the grav lift on the container and the whole thing gets blown away? You could do it on Foundry with open boxes.
i actually have a map of this that i made a while ago, but i put it on hold cuz people were getting epic confused...mabe ill get back to it sometime....
This is an interesting concept. It sounds like it would be fun but I believe much work would need to be done to it in order to keep players interested throughout the game.