Has anyone made a Rube Goldberg style map? For those of you who don't know what a "Rube Goldberg style" is... it is a series of events that are triggered by one small thing. Example: Throw a sticky into a man cannon, it lands on some fusion coils with a box near it and blows them up, the box goes flying and lands in a gravlift, then the box, again, goes flying and hits a big, high up, floating crate that falls down and splatters an unlucky spartan/elite. Just trying to spark some ideas in the minds of the many forgers we have here. There are tons of things like this that you could do with on foundry. I would make on myself, but I haven't gotten the heroic map pack :'( (I will have asap though!)
I've seen that one, and it is really cool. But that's pretty much the only one I've seen and I know that there are many creative ppl here that could make good ones.
Lol, I've also seen one called something like "How to Catch a Noob" (Or something like that.) It's on Last Resort and tons of things happen and end up a open container falls and traps a player (the "noob") in it.
The Mousetrap one was cool. I tried making something similar to catching newbies. "Oooo, look, a bunch of power-ups, a hornet, and the flamethrower. I'll take this mysterious teleporter." Then they're sent to a never-ending teleporting area where they are stuck in a bunch of teleporters. FOREVER!!! Until you splazer them. Or you could leave them there... There's another vid of a machine in Foundary, with a bunch of soccerballs. I won't tell the end though.
Why must you guys do that to me... I thought you were talking about my map being on bungie favorites and I almost had a bawl movement. Then i remembered the other one... -Donuts
The one on the Pit is the best one I've seen so far. All of the new maps have all these static objects so dominoes don't really work.
Have you seen "the sniper vs noob" series? They use awesome rube goldberg machines. I am making a rube goldberg machine on Standoff that is set off by opening the door in the base. So far it's going pretty good.
before i stared making Aesthetic maps i used to make mouse trap style maps except u could play on them aswell, it was fun
Over/around Christmas there was a video featured on Bungie's Favorites called "Rube Delux" done by me and my friend. Here's a link for it: Rube Delux: Bungie Forums I was inspired by the "How to trap a noob"/"mousetrap" to make my own, and this was the result.