I don't think this thread should have been made, it's been done many time before. Anyway, I'm not gonna go into detail here, but if you've ever played Garry's Mod (on the computer) then that's what I think Forge should be like. However, I know it's not really meant for that much editing. Things like click-to-freeze, degree snaps, texturing, no-collide options, welding options (would make lining things up a breeze.), and various other random things.
I would like a tool where you make an invisible box over any amount of objects. You then lock the box. When you pick up the box you can move all the objects inside of it as if they were one piece. I would love to just pick up all those different robots made on standoff and move them as one big object. Also, I would like to be able to place AI enemies/teamates into the game. When in forge you can give them commands (guard flag, attack vip), set up the areas they move around in, and set there difficulty.
Blue, the first thing you mentioned sounds like the thing you can do on your desktop to select multiple files. Hold down mouse button and drag. Or like almost any RTS where you select your troops/whatever by making a box. It would probably be more practical to make a grouping option, so you can tie certain objects together. It seems like it would work better in Forge that way. Your second idea has some promise, but you could set points of interest with an object such as respawn area, but with a different name, and they would either attack everything in that area, or attack enemies there. More often than other places anyway.
Garrys Mod if forge was like that it would be soo awesome!!! In garrys mod you can make cameras, radios, explosives that have keypad that blow up when wrong numbers are entered, HoverDrives, Bouncy balls, fully customisable circuits that really work. The Possibliities are endless!!!
I think the wiring of GMod is a little to complex for a lot of the people that play Halo. I could be wrong though. Anyway, back on topic MAY B?
Kronos I like your addition to my AI player idea. If only Bungie knew what the forgers wanted. Also I would like to see an update that includes putting filters on all the maps.
interlocking option-easy interlocking tube-less wasted time mirror-best symmatry spinning wheel-just cause the abillity to make items disappere after a certain time A.I-for new gameplay
there already is tubes they are called double boxes also interlocking option make it so that the object is still visible like a ghost type transperent object and make it no clip or in laymens terms not solid