Forge Trouble

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by sean7690, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. sean7690

    sean7690 Ancient
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    Im having some trouble with a forge map i have made.

    Its on the Pit and involves each player spawning (at Starting Points) inside one of the hollow walls and ramps where they collect their weapons then teleport to the rest of the map. This all works well in Forge itself but when in a custom game it doesnt all work.

    Firstly some of the weapons wont spawn, namely the Fuel Rod Gun and the Sentinel Beam. Possibly a few others, but i havent been able to test them out because...

    It will only let me spawn in those rooms. There are 7 rooms total, and i wanted people to spawn in each room at random. At the moment, depending on how many ppl enter the game, that many rooms are used and only those.


    Room 1
    Room 2
    Room 3
    Room 4
    Room 5
    Room 6
    Room 7

    If 3 people are in the game, Rooms 1, 2 and 3 are spawned in and none of the others get used.

    I would post in on my fileshare so you guys can have a look at it deeply but id rather not release all the details unless its unsolvable without seeing it firsthand.

    Any help would be much appreciated thanks.
  2. sean7690

    sean7690 Ancient
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    Apolagy for the self-bump but i have been wroking on this all day still and nothing is changing. I could really use some help with this.
  3. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    For the weapons, pick up 1 and hit "x" to bring up its menu. Check the spawn times, min/max values, symmetry, and spawn on start settings. If you started with a canvas(emptied) map, then maybe you changed something on accident. If you started with the default map, perhaps it was settings left from Bungie's defaults.

    As for the player spawn, I would really have to see the map. I know MLG had difficulty with spawn points on this map b/c of the top rooms above each base. I don't know if you're facing the same problem, but they said they had no way of making so you don't spawn in those rooms.

    I'd really have to see the map. My guess is you don't have any starting spawns or have respawn areas still on the map (if you started with default).

    Last thing, check the actual location of the weapons. Maybe they are positioned in a way they can't respawn (e.g. inside a box)

    EDIT: I'd also check your GT settings. You might not have anything set to Map Default (vehicles,weapons, grenades, etc).

    I'm a little confused. Are you saying that if you have less than 7 people to have them start randomly in each room, or, are you saying that they only spawn/respawn in those rooms and none of the others get used at all? If it's the first scenario, then your start spawns aren't set to neutral. By default, when you place a start spawn it will be for the next in line (Attackers, Defenders, 3rd Team, 4th Team, etc). If it's the second then I don't know how to fix it.
  4. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    This should really be in another section.

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