I am creating a map in Foundry where I want all of the players on one team on 1 side and all of the others on the other side. They must be able to see each other and shoot at each other too. The gravity is set to 200% to stop jumping out. At first I thought a short fence would work but the 'Barrier' object is still clearable with a crouch jump. The walls are too high and prevent shooting and the fence walls are ugly. I tried squashing the fences into the ground via the tutorial on the front page they can't be lined up properly. Can anyone suggest any other ideas on how to keep people from crossing the center of a map? I have thought of teleporters and grav-lifts but they would spoil the theme I'm going for. ANy help would be appreciated. Cheers.
i am also havihng trouble with things like this. maybe you can use fence walls and make it so you when you hit people it does more damage then regular
How do suppose you are going to go around to do this? I would like to know because it gives me some ideas. -Donuts
Basically each team is in a group of about 3 building on each side of the map. They spawn there and I don't want them crossing the map to the opposing teams building. Al combat is shooting and nades. That help? Perhaps walls around each building would help but still ruins my theme.
Sory man but I think you are going to have to use the fence walls. even if it is mildly ugly, at least it would still work.
Maybe float barriers slightly off the ground with some teleporters under them to support them? That might look pretty ugly too however.
When the gravity is 200% a player can only just jump over it so I may float some barriers off the ground a little. Anyone wanna test with me when it's done? There is a special theme I'll explain later.
what if you put another object to block the crouch jump and avoid gravity altogether... like make the window panels in forage... they are low enough to shot but you can't jump over them...
wall wall wall wall window window window window wall wall wall wall Just my idea i don't know exactly how many you can fit, but put as many windows as possible in the middle, with the last 2-4 being normal walls?
maybe alternate the walls(bridges placed vertically?) and windows, but players will still be able to hide... maybe work something out with bridges and make it a height where players can shoot but not jump, just barely taller then the barriers, if there is such a height.
So is there a type of no-man's land in between each side? And are you set on having a wall in between? You could use a KOTH setting as your 'wall' that would stay on all game that when crossed into would make the team drop shields and lose massive points. You could adjust your hill size to a long and narrow one that is just high enough to prevent crouch-jumping with heavy gravity. I may have misunderstood your meaning, but it could be a solution. If this isn't what you're looking for, never mind.
Alright, here's the whole story. I am making a wild west gunslinger type map where each team spawns on each side of the map in a series of buildings. They have only pistols and no shields. Here's a pic of the work in progress: Of course I need to add a lot more cover on roof tops, balconies and the ground in front. A bunch of us played on another similar more urban style map and it was a scream dual wielding pistols that are very inaccurate while ducking in and out of windows and barrels, all the while you can hear the constant ricochet and ping of bullets hitting around you. You sometimes have to unload a whole clip to hit and you bodies falling off second story places. It's a little Gears of War, unload a clip, duck down, reload, try and survive the return fire. Very fun. But I want to keep the action long distance. At this stage sideways bridges seems like the best option. Does anyone want to help build and/or test it with me? Just leave your gamertag here. Cheers.
I'm nearly finished the map and the two sides look great. I put walls up but it obstructs shooting from the ground level. I decided to go with corduroyCHUCK's idea pf putting a Hill in the center that slows you down and takes points. It won't stop people but no one will bother making the dash through the open street in a no shields game and losing points when shooting where you spawn will do. Any one up for testing when it's done. Get ready for some gun slinging wild west action partner!
You could close off all the gaps so players are only able to spawn in enclosed areas. And also windowpanes might help, you can't jump through them but you can shoot through the open slots. Just a thought.