I remember when i was browsing through the forum, I saw someone that was talking about that there wasn't enough D-day maps (you know who you are) to choose from. Upon hearing this I thought about that all the maps based on D-day, are on Last Resort. I know it fits with the beach setting. Then, I thought what other map has a beach and boom. TRY AND MAKE A D-DAY MAP ON HIGH GROUND!! Lawl, it should had accured to me earlier. Every one has permission to use this idea. So what yeh waiting for, Start Forging!!
Actually, there are TONS on both maps. None are really that great, they are usually insanely unbalanced. Trick's isn't that bad though.
Forgehub hasn't seen many D-Day maps, but Bungie's community file forum certainly has. There are many High Grounds D-Day maps, but I myself am not a fan of D-Day maps, so I haven't tried any out. This idea is certainly very old. And it certainly isn't your idea.
*trembles in fear* I AM NOT WORTHY!!!!! stop letting the bad vibes in through the sink. Lawl, random ftw!!!!
my friend acctually made an extremely good D-day map on foundry. i believe he will be posting the map soon on FH
Well, I don't know about you guys but I am kind of getting sick of D-day maps. There are sooo many d-day maps, zombie fortresses etc. it just won't be very original...
A dday map with falling fusion coils as artillery was my first map ever made on high ground. It sucked, but I made it and it got owned by all the other maps. -Donuts
I also made one on High Ground no one ever looked at it really only one person downloaded it... My game was balanced I tested it for 3vs3 and i wanted to see if any one else would help test it on a full level 8 on 8 battle but i had no feed back... um... let me find the link... PM me if you want it... since i am trying to to distract the topic with my map
Immediatly when I saw this I knew I needed to come save you. Don't waste your time creating a D-Day map, its been done several times on many different maps (yeah I've even seen it on Sandtrap). Use your time to create something new, unique, and something that is your own. Make something up and have fun with it. And remember, its a great day to be a forger!