The Non-Foundry Infection Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IcedFrappuccino, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    The Non-Foundry Infection Map Pack

    Made by: IcedFrappuccino

    Support from: Shadow Logica, LithuimBlue, and Rastapasta12

    This map pack contains 5 maps, unique from each other.

    **I made a gametype called "Save Two Bullet". All that is different than Save One Bullet is:
    25% Zombies start, rather than 1
    Zombies are chosen at random, rather than the winner
    Zombies can jump higher and run faster.
    That's it!**


    I made this map pack for two reasons. I made it for one, I was tired of playing the same old foundry maps over and over again. And for two, I ABSOLUTELY HATE BUNGIE'S INFECTION MAPS! So, I decided to try and make better maps than Bungie did. I use their gametype Braaains though, and a modified Save One Bullet as you read above. There are five maps in this map pack. I knew it would be hard to forge a fun playable map on some of the maps I chose, but I believe I suceeded in that catagory. Remember know, some of these maps aren't the most asthetically pleasing because of the lack of the ability to interlock and other forge techniques. I have made secret signatures in all of these maps for map thief reasons. In almost all of the maps in this pack, you will find turrets facing away from where you want to be able to shoot them; Well, I did that so that you would have to pick them up to be able to use them with limited ammo. Now, on to the maps.


    Prefered Gametype: Save Two Bullet
    or Save One Bullet​

    This is map numero uno. It is an infection map made on Rat's Nest.

    The backstory for this map goes a little something like this.

    The humans spawn infront of three mongeese and the zombies spawn falling from the celing (represents them falling from the attics). The humans have multiple holdout points to try and survive. There is a floating platform that they can retreat too also. There are 3 turrets on this map, but only 2 of them are usable. I have one of them facing off the side of the cliff, so you have to rip it off to use it. 1 of the turrets is fallen on the ground just for scenery. The pics will show off more. Oh, the middle of the map is completely cut off.​

    Zombie Spawn (Note that they fall from the roof)​

    Mongeese and Holdout #1​

    Floating Platform and more​

    Secret "Dance Room". Find the teleporter to get in this room.​


    Prefered Gametype: Braaaains

    This is map number duex. It is an infection map on Guardian.

    There is no backstory to this map, just the rip on the name of the Halo Novel "Fall of REACH"

    The humans spawn in the gold lift room, while the zombie spawns by oshield right elbow. The gold lift front door is baracaded with barrels, but can easily knocked down. There are a few boxes and radios and such to make if feel like a command center. What makes, this map unique, are the two beautifully made "pallet bridges". You will get to see those in the pics. There is a turret, once again, that you will have to rip off to be able to use. It respawns every 90 seconds if you are good enough to stay alive that long. I can't explain this map too much, but the pichas can!​

    Human Spawn and Barrel Cade​

    Middle Overview *Note One pallet bridge*​


    Prefered Gametype: Braaaains

    This is map # three! This is an infection map made on Blackout.

    There isn't a backstory to this map at all, whatsoever.

    *Like Bungie's map, I only used the Colorblind FX.*​

    The humans spawn on top of BR tower and the zombie(s) can spawn in different places everytime, but will most likely spawn down under the lift. The humans have many, many areas in this map to put of a fight on. There are a few secret overhangs. A small, floating interlocked base under the map; that is accessible by, teleporter or you can just jump on top of it. I did geomerge one thing, twas' not nesissary, but I did anyways. The pics will show off the rest of the map. *NOTE ONLY 2 OF THE PICS HAVE THE FX ON!*​

    Human Spawn​

    Top Mid​

    Top of Floating Base​


    Prefered Gametype: Braaaains

    This map is number fo'! This is an infection map made on Cold Storage.

    Negative on a backstory!

    *I hate cold storage*​

    It was extremely hard to think of an idea for a good map on here, but if finally hit me. HOUSES! I'll get to that later. The humans spawn in the tank flood room and the zombies spawn in "the fridge", which is the tall blue misty thing. They zombies spawn at the very top of it and descend at the start. There are a few blocked off rooms in this map, but not too many. You can still access every room, but just not with every entrance. I built 2 little huts on this map. They aren't very big because of the limited forging objects I had to deal with, but they fit well with gameplay. The pics show off other aspects of the map. *I DIDN'T TAKE THE FILTERS OFF BECAUSE I'M LAZY AND YOU CAN STILL SEE!*​

    Zombie Spawn in "the fridge"​

    Hut 1!​

    Hut 2!​


    Prefered Gametype: Save Two Bullet
    or Save One Bullet​

    This is the last map in the pack, but certaintly not the least! This is an infection map on High Ground.

    No backstory.

    The humans spawn all the way at the back of the map and the zombie spawns about 100 ft. infront of the beach. The humans have multiple outposts and holdouts to go too. They can stay in the main base or they can travel down the infected tree area to the cliff hold out, with a fresh turret. The pics will show off more of this map.​

    Oview of where most of the action happens​

    Here is one holdout​

    Cliff Holdout(Note: you have to rip off the turret for use)​

    Okay guys. If you seriously read all of that, then I would give you a hug in real life. It took me sooooo long to type this up and am so excited that I am finally closing this thread up. I don't think I have to say anything else, so have fun with the maps!

    And once again, I am sorry about the pics. I wish I could have put more, but FH only lets me put 20. I had 38 pics lulz.
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hope I'm the first comment, I really liked the neatness in all of your maps and I plan on downloading the gametype and the map on blackout. I hope you make more maps and I love the fact that none of them involve foundary.
  3. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    looks cool i don't know what to say so I'll say the only thing I can't think of YATBFHerE!
  4. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    wow, if i had more room on my customs, i would download all of these. i will download the CS one cus i want to celebrate its release with some customs. 5/5 total, maybe 4/5 on the guardian one cus it looks pretty bland
  5. damarco

    damarco Ancient
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    They all look good accept the one on gaurdian im a little sceptical about that one but im gonna give it a try.
  6. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    It looks like a good idea. I like Colorless Fear the best nice interlocking and using the save and quit method at the same time. I know thats hard to do and most people take it for grantid. I wish I'd like nfection more but I'll have to give some of them a shot. Nice work!
  7. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    Yeah Radiant, nobody really cares about first posing.....
    Anyways, on to the maps. Well I have to say that this is very original, and when you said not Foundry, you weren't kidding; I wasn't even expecting a Guardian map as well as a High Ground map. Great job, 5/5 for all of them for originality, and for not being on Foundry. =)
  8. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
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    U did a really good job on all of the maps. I credit u on creating maps on maps that not that many people use like high ground and guardian. Most people use foundry for the forging. I also like the cleaness of the map. It doesn't look like you just threw a bunch of wall and boxes in some spots and just went with that. Once again I congratulate you on a making a very great map pack and I hope you make more in the near future. Nice Job!! 4.8/5 will download
  9. IronBlitzkrieg

    IronBlitzkrieg Ancient
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    i am only here to approve this message "these maps eat bungie's" IcedFrappuccino.

    also very fun maps
    #9 IronBlitzkrieg, Jul 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  10. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    awesome maps i wish i could dl them all so im gonna clear some space then dl
  11. IncredibleHulk

    IncredibleHulk Ancient
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    yo would u like me and my review crew to review this map
  12. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Some of these maps are kinda boring looking, but the rest looks good. For example, the High Ground one. Its not very original, most infection maps on that level are alike. However, I really think the Blackout one looks excellent. Unfortunatly, I am not a proud owner of the Legendary Map Pack, so I cannot download it.

    I know, it sucks butt.

    Still nice job putting all these maps together. Also, props for not using Foundry.

    Oh and by the way, If you want to achieve the darkest possible filtering on Cold Storage, use the Gloomy and Olde Timey FXs.
  13. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Sure. Just remember. It's hard to forge on teh old maps.

    Thanks for the input. I did want people to be able to see on the CS map, so that's why I didn't put the darkest possible settings.
  14. Shadow Blink

    Shadow Blink Ancient
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    i was there when he made the fridge!!!
  15. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Yeah. You helped meh with the spawns. :D
  16. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
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    I try to interlock with save and quit but its to frustrating for me. And since I have Transient Tic Disorder I am not supposed to get that frustrated.
  17. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    its great to see some non foundry maps, although foundry is overused, it is perfect for building your own structures, while other maps are good with small simple bases made from small crates and using the map geometry as the structures.
    But oh well, your maps are really good.
    but "refridgerator" my friend made a cold storage map with the name "refridgeration" and zombies start in the icey room, odd.....
  18. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Wow, that's a pretty nice job there. I like the layouts!
  19. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    None of my maps are named "refriderator". The only one similar too that is my map "The Fridge".
  20. Roflolcopter

    Roflolcopter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For some reason I can't download Cold Storage! Now I can't play The Fridge!

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