Has anyone figured out what the man-cannon bug is about?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. SuperClarkman

    SuperClarkman Ancient
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    I think it is something to do with the lag compensation because if anyone of you has ever played surf maps in CounterStrike Source then you might know that a higher tickrate (meaning the game does a "think" more often) means you go further. So possibly Halo could be running at different tickrates by testing the latency of the network and depending on number of players. (16 player game would have a much lower tickrate than a 8 player game, and the lower the tickrate is lower the )

    However, this may or may not be the case, I just have noticed that since the host is doing the "think"ing, meaning no lag, it generally means that only they can successfully do those teleporter rollercoaster maps and this would be linked closely to man cannons. This would also line up with reports that man cannons don't go as far as with more objects on the map because Halo would be lowering its tickrate because it has to calculate physics, etc for each object meaning it would be doing less in each 'think'.
  2. Esponeo

    Esponeo Ancient
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    The Mancannon thing is definitely a bug, although one other thing I have noticed is that forging with others online can result in two completely different maps due to lag. It was extremely odd to hear one person talking about how the objects were on different sides of the map when they were clearly right next to each other.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I've also experienced this. It's frustrating. It's one of the reasons that I usually prefer to Forge alone.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    ^That problem happens often but can usually be solved instantly while you forge by just starting a new round if you notice anything is off.
  5. TheInsomniak

    TheInsomniak Ancient
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    I think it depends on if your host. That is all I can think of. I have heard of that once before and it has happened to me. Remember: Just because Halo 3 is awesome doesn't mean its perfect.
  6. EL173 R3Ap3r 257

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    Can't blame bungie, they had thousands of bugs to fix!
  7. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    this is totally agreed^^^

    and btw is all the bug probs done with?
    that were causing difficulty.
  8. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    I've had this sort of happen when I was making two of them juggle plasma grenades, sometimes they'd just shoot out extremely fast or sometimes they'd fly at the ceiling.
  9. penginskullgod

    penginskullgod Ancient
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    huh.. i never heard of that before... ill have to check it out
  10. Nate the Gate

    Nate the Gate Ancient
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    Ok I've experienced this problem too and reading the posts by users, here's what I can confirm and deny with my current knowlege;

    -In forge the man cannon does not shoot you as high as it does in a custom match
    -The angle at which you enter a man cannon does affect the trajectory path, but the difference isn't major in Forge but in custom matches it makes a big difference. Likewise moving while on the trajectory path slightly affects your course on Forge but not enough to make a big difference while in a custom match it makes a huge difference.
    -Yes most of the time in custom matches you will hit the ceiling and it's freaking annoying
    -I'm almost 100% sure that who the host is doesn't make a difference
    -I haven't experienced different trajectories when the maps were loaded different times, the only difference I've seen is between loading on Forge and loading on a custom match.

    I'm hoping that Bungie will fix this in AU1. You guys mentioned that you saw it on the Bungie forums so hopefully Bungie noticed and is fixing it, but I haven't seen anything about it on Bungie's forums myself.
  11. DeltaTwoFour

    DeltaTwoFour Ancient
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    I actually found this post because I've been having this problem and its extremely frustrating. I am creating a map in which man cannons are basically the entire means of transportation from platform to platform, and while in the forge it worked perfectly every single time.

    I then loaded the map in a custom game and discovered to my dismay that after the many hours I had put into lining everything up perfectly so that it all worked... it no longer did.

    And this was alone on my own box local so it was no problems with host/lag/multiple people/different items etc. etc. etc. because the only thing that changed was Forge to Custom game.


    I was definitely going HIGHER in the custom game. After realizing this, i turned gravity up to the next notch, and it was way too extreme of a difference.

    I had showed a buddy of mine the map in forge and we were both pumped about it, and then I told him about what was happening in custom games and we were both bummed.

    He suggested moving things a bit to get it to line up with Custom Game physics, however the only way of testing them would be to move them in forge, save, test them in custom game, go back to forge, move them a bit, save, go back to custom game.. ANNOYING!!

    Does anyone know of a way to get around this?
  12. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I have noticed it too. But if you are a little of center, you are crouching, etc, it all changes. I have noticed that it can be tempermental, however. Thats why i dont really use them much. Grav lifts are a bit more predictable.
  13. DeltaTwoFour

    DeltaTwoFour Ancient
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    I'm talking a series of tests running straight at it single player alone on a local box same full speed every time.

    10/10 times i land right where i'm supposed to when in the forge,

    10/10 times i jump way too high in custom game.
  14. Gavintaft433

    Gavintaft433 Ancient
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    yeah i've done that too
  15. Sagan

    Sagan Ancient
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    Gravity AND angle of entry effect it.....I noticed this alot on my "Red v Blue" map with the "jumpgates" to loft players onto the court....
    They are positioned just in front of the "loading dock" at three different lengths....if a player "drops down" and walks into the cannon, they usually get shot into the right place...but jumping off into the cannon can make them hit the roof (high arc shot) or slam them into the fence that divides the court from the spawn area (low arc)....Seems to me it's a function of the entry angle....I have not noted if it gets worse with more players...I'll keep an eye out though.

    One thing I HAD noticed was with placing the cannons to shoot from the corners, diagonally across the map, occasionally, I can fly all the way across most of the amp...but other times, I seem to hit some sort of invisible "wall" in the center (roughly) of forge, that causes my player to drop down far short of the original shooting distance.
  16. DeltaTwoFour

    DeltaTwoFour Ancient
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    Ok people.

    You're not understanding what's going on here.

    Its not gravity settings

    its not angle

    its not speed of approach

    its a bug.

    I set up a man cannon, i placed walls on either side so that i need to hit it at the exact same angle every single time.

    I then run at the man cannon full speed to insure repeatability.

    10/10 times i land right where i should WHILE IN THE FORGE

    10/10 times I FLY TOO HIGH and hit the "sticky" invisible celing and then end up falling short WHILE IN CUSTOM GAMES.
  17. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    A friend and I ran into this problem as well. I was the current host and I lacked getting the full power of the man cannon while everyone else did. Then I apperently left the party and handed host over to my friend. Then he was not able to do it. Either this was an odd occurence or hosts cannot get the full power of the man cannon in forged maps.
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I been thinking about this topic... could it just be related to how you hit the jumP... i mean speed and angle? ... but also i have to note... forage alone and forage in a group the gravlifts get weaker... thats for me... at least
  19. DeltaTwoFour

    DeltaTwoFour Ancient
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    Okay.. Does no one read previous posts before they post themselves?

    While these problems may be caused by other things (group leader etc. etc.) they are occurring COMPLETELY INDEPENDENTLY of anything else.

    Three posts ago, I mentioned that this was tested by placing walls around the man cannon to insure that it was hit the same every time. And in all my tests I was ALONE on a LOCAL box.

    CATERBIRD Ancient
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    I have had the same problem with man cannons, in my training grounds map, the cannon;s i have laid out seem different every time i try to go through them. But i cant delete them because one cannon is being held up by the others in the hallway, and if i delete them im afraid that itl fall down again cause i thaught it would stay up there no matter what, but when i did delete the one holding it up it fell. So i cant delete the cannons to fix the problem.

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