Try Tschei'kour-da! (Pronounced "cha-COOR-da") *Before* the "grif-ball" variants came out, we had the pleasure of some of the "rugby" variants.....from this basic assault premise, I chose to create a game type with "elevated" goals and using 75% gravity to allow player to jump to the goals. This was originally just a Sword-type match, but I added the Gravity Hammer as a secondary and folks seem to like a matter of fact, the hammer / sword combo seems to work well for defense and offense...allowing players to best suit the task at hand. Check it out or d/l here: Maps: Red v Blue The Narrow Way Construct Z Isotope Modes: Tschei'kour-da (Hammers & Swords - 150% Damage) Pok-ta-pok (Alternate version - Swords only - Instant Kill) Filmclips: GeeVee: 1 minute demo Bungie: Demonstration of "jumpgates" One minute sample film of gameplay. The new "foundry" court: This map features a series of "jumpgates" on each side to jet spawning players onto the field: The original Sandtrap court: Overview of Rule adjustments Base Player Traits: - Damage Modifier - 150% - Primary Weapon - Gravity Hammer - Secondary Weapon - NRG Sword - Grenades - None - Infinite Ammo ON - Speed - 125% - Gravity - 75% Bomb (Ball) Carrier Traits: - Damage Modifier - Instant Kill - Speed - 150% - Gravity - 75% - Waypoint - Visible to Everyone - Forced Colour - White The nice thing about this game is the instant detonation of the "ball" that kills everyone near the goal with spectacular effectiveness! My other maps, modes, filmclips and screenies can be found here: TPB Sagan Fileshare I also have a "standard gravity" version called (right now) "Pan'go"....the "RVB Ban'go" map is made for this mode...and features a grav lift that shoots the player to the goal and a random and repetitive drop of Fusion coils and propane tanks on the court.
Re: I do not think you should change the name at all. This looks like a combination of a few great gametypes which makes it look pretty fun. Assuming that you always spawn on that side of the fence, you cannot be spawn killed like in Griffball.
Re: Yes! All respawns and the spawn in at start take place "off-court" and the players must vault into the court to play.....the "staggered" positions of the man-cannons sorta launch then into Center, Defense and Goalie positions too. Thanks for checking it out!
Re: I uploaded a new version of this map yesterday.....refined the "jump gates" and the respawn areas to make play a little smoother.
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) Updated with new, corrected links to latest version of map and game mode. Also added 2 filmclips.
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) I loike the idea of spawning off court, the spawn killing was one of the only issues I had with grifball. I'll give this map a DL to check it out.
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) Instead of posting another reply, edit into your last post if no one has replied in between, by using the 'Modify' button. Please do not double/triple post again, it is frowned upon and will be considered bumping by you in future. ~ Shock
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) You should really specify that in a stickied thread then...I checked the "Map submission" thread at the top and saw nothing that said bumping or bringing attention to adjustments, changes or new information was wrong.
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) There is nothing wrong with updating your post with new information and changes. If it has been a while since your last update and you have relevant information to relay then posting again is acceptable, but if it's getting to triple posting then you should edit into your post. Posting in this way is widely known to be something to avoid, and indeed on you will be banned for it pretty rapidly. We have a more thoughtful and creative community here, on the whole, so this sort of reaction is unnecessary. Still, be careful in the future. Thank you for bringing the omission in the map submission topic to our attention however, it will be updated to be clearer on posting rules.
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) Yeah, I know all about bans from double posting. I was new to forums so I double posted to update like you within minutes I had 90 day ban.
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) Note Texas is talking about, we're not that mean, promise... ^ Way to go on the ambiguous post, dude
Re: Tschei'kour-da (similar to grif-ball, but better courts, gameplay) I guess I should have been a little clearer. I was caught trying to make forge hub out as a bad guy . I really like the way this community operates; there are very few immature posts so there are less rules about stuff like bumping. It also helps that the maps are awesome.
This looks really fun! (both maps) although, like playing on foundry because its smaller, and when you die alot, you dont have to go too far. Keep Forging
I agree..... The "Sandtrap court" was just the prototype.....this game was just waiting for foundry to have the perfect court.....I hardly play any of the other maps I have for this they don't have the cool man-cannon launchers onto the court...and there's really almost no way to find yourself "off court" in the founrdy court. lol
although foundry is a perfect court, doing it on other maps provides a change of scenery and terrain which keeps it interesting
Thanks for the replies....I am currently working on a couple of new (and a remake or two of a couple of old) courts I made. They should be posted soon!
Looks promising. I'll check them out when I get a chance to. Nice work. And also, never triple let alone double post again. If your map is not on the first page and is moved to the second, it doesn't mean its no longer recognized. I browse through second pages all the time.
Thanks again for the d/l's guys......since GeeVee is up and running again, I have added one of the filmclips there to allow it to be viewed out of game. Check it out here.