UPDATE: Redid the catwalks. Looks much better. Please redownload for the update. Download map- Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download gametype- Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Im pretty sure there are things similar to this, but i dont think it has been done like this before. Its a spy game where one person is the spy that needs to get the data at the marked point. The mercs need to find and kill the agent before he does. There is a gloomy FX to make the whole map darker, so the agent really can hide. There is a catwalk/scaffolding I have put near the merc base, as shown in pics below. There is one part where you can see through the windows from outside, so you know where camping mercs are before you go in. Map details- Features- This is a blackout map with the gloomy filter FX to make it darker. There is plenty of cover around the map. There is a catwalk that goes from under the other catwalk next to the lift room. It leads under the other catwalk, then wraps around the sniper base, where you can see through the windows in the merc base. It then leads to the area where the sword was. Item placement- Weapons do not respawn, so use your ammo wisely. There a few weapons around the map with a little ammo in them. There are various BR placements around hte map, in which the spy can het a new toy or the mercs can replinish ammo. The shotgun is in the sniper tower on the second floor next to the hole. There are pistols on the catwalk corner and on the platforms next to the lift. There is a sniper in the box next to the merc spawn. Two smgs are in the bottom lift room next to the crate. An assault rifle is in the middle room next to the crate. There is a single frag grenade at the end of the hallway under the middle room, directly under the hole. There is a firebomb grenade on the top floor in the middle of the map. There are two flares on the siper tower, which can be used to spot the spy. Gameplay details- This map needs my Splinter Cell gametype to work properly. In the pre-game lobby, one person is sent to red team to be the spy. Everyone else goes to blue team to be the mercs. The spy's job is to infiltrate the platform and steal the data. How he does that does not matter, whether its sneaking through or killing all the mercs. The merc's job is to find and kill the spy before he gets the data. The spy gets a point for getting to the piont, and the mercs win by killing the spy. VIP, No sheilds, no starting grenades, red forced color black, blue forced color white. Known issues- Occasionaly the blue team has the VIP, resulting in one merc and alot of spies.If this happens, start a new round. If you look directly at someone, their nametag pops up, whether you know theyre there or not. Screenshots are here. (these were taken without the filter on so you can actually see.The real map is darker.)
Map seems a little messy and I think that In the Shadows would be a better game type for it but it's one of the best stealth oriented Blackout maps I've seen to date.
I like how its on Blackout and I like the way that you used barriers for cover but even though its hard to interlock and save and quit but still it could be better.
I like the idea of 1vAll games and I like that people are starting to incorporate filters into their maps. I agree this map does look a little sloppy but looks like it would be lots of fun when your bored w/ your friends. Lets see.... I'll give it a 4/5 and I'll definately DL. Btw did you include flares to act as light for the merc team? Just wondering.
Yeah, i agree that this map is very sloppy. I can easily see that you would not just be able to walk on the path, you'd have to jump several times. However, I love the idea that there is a specific path you have to follow. I think it would be fun to have me and my friends lurking in the shadows underneath blackout.
this map looks very messy like it was thrown together in just 30 mins. i'd spend more time on your maps. remember patience is the key to making great maps
i love this map, looks like it would be great fun with all of my friends. i say deal with the bridges, do you know how hard it is to make floating interlocked bridges
Yes its very hard but these things dont go unnoticed. You'll find that all of the featured maps are interlocked, merged, etc. right down to the slightest detail to ensure smooth maps that have virtually no bumps ensuring a high quality map. And don't get me wrong as this is a sweet idea and I like where this map is going but I suggest you go back into forge and do some work on the bridges and a few other areas that are a bit sloppy. Very good map but it could be better. 4/5
Thanks for the suggestions. I just learned how to interlock stuff, and i will probably redo it. But what about everything else? I dont know if the actual game is any good.
this map looks jjust a little too messy. the floating could have been better. im not sure if its suppose to be like that, but im sorry.
Though the map is sloppy this doesn't affect the gameplay much. Since it is in the dark you won't notice it much anyway so there isn't much of a problem The thing i'm worried about is the fact that the spy can camp but then again he is up agains everyone so you need a big party to keep him moving. Too bad Halo 3 has people's names pop up when you look towards them, it completely ruins stealth and sniping. Good job 9/10
Ok, did an overhaul on the catwalks. They are much more smoother and look alot better. New pics replaced the old ones.