hey guys im back and while playing cold storage i though "what would a bungie employee look like as a moniter so a came up with this screenshot.....enjoy!
Yeah. He would probably be able to make unlimited objects too. =/ Anyways, funny, but I'm pretty sure everyone who's bored enough with two controllers has done this before.
The screen looks allright, but the flame is too long, it's blatant that it's not a bungie employee (I know the fact of it being one is a rhetoric...). Anyways, it's still not bad. Alienvsbon, try to watch the double posting, as it's really easy to get in trouble for it. All you have to do to prevent said trouble is edit your original post, then delete the double. Thanks.
this pic would be a 9/10 if the blue respawns were not in the background but it still is cool so it gets an 8/10