Yes... Another Stargate Map,This is replica of the military base within Cheyenne Mountain containing the Stargate seen on the 1994 Film and television series on SciFi. ____________________________________________ Infection Map DOWNLOAD: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Original Map DOWNLOAD: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ____________________________________________ A small group of US troups and an Egyptologist use an ancient device found in 1920s Egypt to transport themselves to a distant planet. ::GREAT FOR INFECTION GAMETYPES:: Control room controls stargate, only access is from 2nd floor elevator and catwalk from hanger ship. The Stargate leads to the mainship in Hanger near the SuperGate, Access to Control Room from ship. Seal off the Gate Room when Gate is in Orperation (Close Rear Doors), man the turrets. On your right is the Armory Room, Vechicle Depot (center), Hanger in the Distance. Stairs to the left lead to the Arms Room, to your Right leads to the Hanger. The elevator needs "Overshields" because without them the force of the Elevator would kill you instantly. This is the cargo hold with a third armory located to the left. Plenty of places to hide from enemy forces. STARGATE FONT: (Click on Link) Stargate Atlantis Glyphs font and other Sci-fi fonts Just copy and paste it into your "fonts folder" inside your "control panel".
Because the Force from the elevator will take off your shield anyway... trust me.. that elevator is FAST! without the overshields, you'd die instantly.
oh ok... well in that case from the pics i cant really rate it because just... yeah.... so im gonna DL then play a few games with my friends and get back on ya...
First off, I really like how you edited the pics to describe some of the areas of the map. The map looks incredibly awesome. It looks very well made and I like the elevator that leads to the control room. I think the stargate is really cool, too. This could definately be used to make some good machinima. 5/5 and definately a DL from me.
Dude nice! This is the coolest stargate map EVER! It looks just like the base too. Nice pics too! Where did you find that font? I will download this of course! 5/5
Wow this looks cool i've never really seen stargate though. What gametype is this and also what is the portal made of and does it take you any where? All in all great map 5/5
Pony every day you have a new map that looks beautiful. I must ask how much time do you have on your hands? Just kidding but looks nice. Im downloading now.
ha, na... I dont put a new map out everyday. Its been a few weeks since my last map. It only takes me about 6 hours to make a map, but it takes a week to make the Gametypes work... Its hard to find people to test my maps. With work, college...and family time its hard to find time to work on these maps, Its fun for me... I hope everyone can benefit from these.
simply amazing job on the gate part, thats really cool! the rest of the map looks great too, i really want to try it out
this is a cool map it is well made it reminds me of another map called SGI something just from the sheild walls
You mean SG-1.....? yea, well that would be Stargate-1 as in the television show/movie, There have been a few other maps made with a stargate, but in my opinion they all were pretty dumb except for the STARGATE TEMPLE.