Who has the Highest Post Per day. Whoever has the highest, is the most frequent user. Mines 12.25. Whats yours? Leaderboards - 1. Mortarion - 12.25 2. 3.
No accuallt that doesn't show you're the most frequent user, it means you probably spam on everyones maps. Im probably on more then you, it's just Im in Off Topic 95% of the time.
I love off topic its the best and post per day doesn't show activeness its over time combined with post per day
Well, It'll probably constitute as spam if I only put my post count in here, so I'm going to continue to write this long sentance as to make it so it doesn't constitute as spam. Mine is 10.12 might be more, idk...
Total Posts: 63 Posts Per Day: 28.89 Find all posts by Alienvsbon I found it, so that makes me number one.
Actually Nemi's only about 14 or so a day, and the Alien dude has been spamming like crazy... so he really doesn't count...
I may have high posts compared to my join date, but I really don't spamalot. (lol at monty python referance) I try to take care in my posting. EDIT: responding to the comment below me. I am not spamming. I am on topic and saying things relevant to the conversation. Look, I even went as far editing to avoid a spam post saying this isn't spam