Description: Due to the many requests i recieved about my other ship maps, the new player-combat rated "Haephestus' Thunder" is ready for action. It is a modified variant of the FFG-481, but has been emptied of non-essential components (sadly, including the MAC gun)and mapped out for maximizing player mobility. The overall layout is more symmetrical in terms of ship positioning and weapon placement. Map supports most CTF, Assault and Territories game modes. Players: 4-16 [img width=800 height=450][/img] Main View [img width=800 height=450][/img] Command Station [img width=800 height=450][/img] Bypass Tunnel B [img width=800 height=450][/img] Engine Room ramp to 2nd Floor Download Map
dude ur maps r awsome could u oneday let me watch or even help you forge a sikems> awsome map! My GamerTags are Rawzt and AttackmanV1 add me some time.
No sir, i dont have any more archived maps. the ones i've posted are new creations i've been wanting to do for a while. I make them as i get ideas so there'll be about 2 days before i can "crank out" another one. I am working to improve neatness and accuracy when i design and actually construct the maps. And for those who have been asking, my gamertag is CovenantElite07. I will be on today only for a few hours, i'm leaving town to do the Polar Bear Jumpoff this weekend!
Horray for interlocking objects. My only complaint about this one would be that from the first screenshot the FFG-672 seems a bit blocky. This is overall well done though.
"Will do, I've actually got some sweet ideas of maps you can help me with but those will come later" I can help you if you still need it... my name is my Gtag ...
This was my V.3 map, before i learned about interlocking. Yes, it's blocky but only to maximize interior space.