white out

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by foundyforger, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. foundyforger

    foundyforger Ancient
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    i got 1 of my pix!![​IMG]

    human spawn

    second room

    room three

    and this is were you need to run the hall!

    play with any infection gametype

    this map is made for running runn from the zombies and try to get safe...

    ok i have a pic i have a link now shutup WHITE OUT
    #1 foundyforger, Jul 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  2. Purpl3Kill

    Purpl3Kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your link doesnt work. And your going to need more details, If you cant get the pics then you shouldnt post the map yet. And people dont generally like to have to download the video onto thier Hardrive, its better to just upload the video to youtube. Read the standards then post. Im trying not too sound mean, but you need to know before your post.
    Happy forging! :)
  3. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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  4. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    Just in case you are having trouble witht the pictures here is what to do from the beginning.

    1. snap some photos in theater mode
    2. go to bungie.net and find your recent pictures under high res screen shots
    3. enlarge the picture and then save it to your computer
    4. go to photobucket and upload them (subcription is free)
    5. copy the pictures direct link
    6. return to your post and hit the insert image button
    7. clear the bar and paste the direct link
    8. The picture should be there now
    -sometimes you can't do multiples pictures and you will have to preview the post in between adding each picture
  5. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Lol. My friend is going to be posting a map called Whiteout sometime soon.
    No matter though, it's a race map.

    Anyway, the people above me are right, people look at Screens to decide if they want to download or not. Why would they download the video if it just takes longer?
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    So, do you know that it is against forge hub rules to not have pictures and this thread will be locked in 24 hours if you do not add them? You blatantly stated right there that you knew you could not get pictures, so why did you post? Then, furthermore, your links do not work and you have no description. This will get zero downloads by the end of the day, and all you did was waste my, and other forgers time.
  7. foundyforger

    foundyforger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it no the puting them on the thread its the filter on the map
  8. Purpl3Kill

    Purpl3Kill Ancient
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    Then you cant just temporarily delete them and take the screenshots then.
    Its not a big deal.
  9. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Seriously???!?! How many people plan on stealing my map name?!?! I came out with a map named whiteout months ago. BTW, you epic-failed at posting. Ur link is messed up, you have a vid but somehow managed not to take pics etc.
  10. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Hari, are you the guy that made a box that was like solid white on Avalanche? That's the other map I remember named whiteout.

    Anyway, no reason to flame him that much, people have said to fix it many times already. Commenting might be alright, but you're kinda yelling at him.

    Also, the word Fail isn't allowed in the map section. I got warned for it. (though that's not exactly what I did.)
  11. Purpl3Kill

    Purpl3Kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    /\/\ Yeah, at this point nobody else needs to come and say something here. And you cant get mad at people for "stealing" a map name. Theres so many forgemaps out there its getting hard to find a new name sometimes. And its easy to see why a lot of people would choose Whiteout. Its a good word for Halo maps... I guess...
    Sorry for the "not on topic" post.
  12. foundyforger

    foundyforger Ancient
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    Yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss I Got It On Yes
  13. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Author Dude: You got a pic up, good job on that.

    If you want any downloads though, add a detailed description.
    Give us a reason to download it maybe?
    And more pics always help, you are only required to embed 1, so that means, if you REALLY don't want to embed, you can link the rest.

    Try to Elaborate your post some basically, take a look at some of the older members' map posts.
  14. phillipinoJ

    phillipinoJ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You add way more pics because one won't convince people enough. Also add more description. I would rather know more about the map I'm going to download .

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