When most people try to make ships, they always try to make one interesting from the outside, but when it comes to the inside, they are typically small and not very interesting. Well, I tried to do the opposite, i tried to make a large inside, one so large that it could hold tons of vehicles and weapons. The rest of the ship is mostly hallways, with the hanger as its key feature that sets it apart from all other ships. While doing all this, i managed to still have a decent shape of the ship. This ship is off the ground, but not a whole lot, just enough for all of the vehicles to exit the hanger, which the exit is on the bottom. Download it here!!!! Overview The feature of this ship, the hanger One of the two hallways that lead to the rest of the ship One of the two armory's (read below to see more info) The Bridge and airlocks, you cant see them really well, it was cramped and hard to take the pic Cool little window that allows you to see into the hanger Overview Like I said, its not the greatest looking ship ever, but its the inside that counts. The Hanger, it holds 2 hornets, 2 scorpion tanks, 4 warthogs and 6 mongooses with 2 more in a side hallway. You are able to get into all of the vehicles, and can get any one you want out of the ship through the exit without having to move any of the other vehicles. The exit is in the floor, just below what you can see in the picture. You can take a hallway like this, which there are two located on each side of the hanger, and they will lead you to other parts of the ship. Armory number one, this one holds most of the heavy weapons, like rocket launchers, spartan lasers, missile pods, the flamethrower and a few other weapons. The hallway to the right of the armory has two mongooses in it, and is the hallway that gets you to the hanger. The room that the picture is taken from is empty. Armory number two has more of the lighter weapons, lots of assault rifles, snipers, one missile pod (there wasnt room in the other armory) and you cant see these in the picture, but there are tons of battlerifles, and two shotguns which are mounted on the wall with weapon holders that were interlocked into the wall. The Bridge and airlocks to exit the ship I kind of started to run out of objects here, so it was difficult to make it as good as i wanted it too be. To the left is where the AI that runs the ship would be, and there are two airlocks on either side, you can see one of them, and the other is behind the camera. Window to the hanger, just a cool little thing i felt like putting in, its located in the same area as the bridge and the airlocks, but is behind the camera from the previous pic. Other Maps I've Made Fort 0026 Curvature Claustraphobia Haunted House (This map won the 1st map contest at All Out HALO)
Looks like a good ship, you actually targeted a person like me, someone who wants a big ship with a cool interior which you did extraordinary on! Good job 4/5
The hanger part of the ship really reminded me of the hanger of the maw with all the warhogs. I think you did a good job on this map and just that hanger part makes me want to download it
Underground867 awesome, awesome to the max, sweet inside and vehicle placement and scenery, looks like a perfect way to score some huge carnage
looks really good!! can you get the tanks out of the hanger? and are those hornets locked into the roof?
You really made a great job in the inside of the ship. I like the hangar most. It reminds me of Pillar of autumn's hangar. But can you get out with the vehicles?
Sweet map! That hangar is the shiznit (thats me tryin to act gangsta lol)! No but seriously this is really cool! I like the focus on the interior rather than the exterior.
i think your plan worked great it seriously looks like crap from the outside(no offense) but amazing from the inside 4.5/5
nice built ship. i dont usually dl maps such as these ones but i love the hanger its probably the best part of this map. 4/5
Awesome the ship looks awesome definitely going to dl you did a great job. I like how you can take the vehicles outside of the ship
Wow deliciously good! lol i love the place where the vehicles are its ILL! I love this map. Nice use of barriers also. 5/5
you're right. It's less focused on aesthetics than gameplay. (sort of) looks fun with all the vehicles in the hanger.
Nice map and that hangar is excellent! But after you embeded your pictures your other links are no longer needed. But great map and post! 4/5!
i like your idea, and i dont see why it would take much work to place that same exact thing in the air, and then get one of the famous builders of ships like ghost ship or something like that to get it lookin good from the outside!