This isn't really a thread about the question, "Is interlocking or Gameplay more Important." It's about how interlocking and aesthetics affect gameplay. To me, if I can see foundry through a lot of cracks, it ruins what the map is supposed to be. (If it isn't based in Foundry.) Basically, if they give a description along the lines of ."This map is based on the inside of the bridge of a large covenant ship." and there are cracks or gaps due to lack of interlocking, it ruins the gameplay for me, because it breaks what it is meant to be. I want other people's thoughts on how interlocking and aesthetics affect gameplay.
I would prefer Aesthetics over Gameplay because i would rather spend hours just looking , getting lost in the map. But when would acually play customs i would change it to my/others liking if it did suck that much. So for me its Interlocking , Not Gameplay.
Contrary to popular opinion, I believe it is gameplay that make's it most important, but if interlocking plays a major role in a certain maps gameplay, it is also important. But look at Hype, it's based solely on Gameplay,for highly competetive gaming, but it also looks nice too. But if you look at some maps, like Reflex or something like that (no offence to the makers), they look really nice, but don't play that well.
I'm pretty obsessive about my interlocking, I agree that bad aesthetics can ruin the illusion of a map and make it less enjoyable, but I don't do it just because of this. I'm a dirty grenade *****, and if a surface isnt flat enough for consistent grenade bouncing (which is pretty damn flat, frags at least seem pathed alot smaller than their graphic appears). Lost grenades and bad bounces are probably my biggest concern when interlocking, not just because of my play style but because if its flat enough for grenades then its flat enough for most purposes (bumpy walking surfaces etc.) I hold a strong opinion that interlocking isn't always needed, and some people just disregard maps if they see something that could be interlocked and isn't. But I also believe that it helps alot in many situations, and if it is needed then its not too much trouble.
Pegasi, I think you have the best idea of this thread, you other 2, thanks for your opinions, but: It's about how interlocking affects gameplay in your opinion, do you think it doesn't matter as long as they layout is good, or does it ruin a map for you if it's not interlocked, ruining the illusion.
interlocking should be used but i do not belive it is vital if it does not affect the gameplay and is smooth to walk on it annoys me when people complain about it{or lack of it} espeacilly when its a first map post its a learning curve not everyone gets it right away i once saw someone complaining there was no interlocking on sandtrap?! so for me its gameplay all the way and i am really bored of the foundry colours
GUYS! Read more carefully, I'm getting comments of why one is better than the other, that is not the point of this thread. How does interlocking affect gameplay. Not: Interlocking doesn't matter or Interlocking is a necessity.
It seems to me that people care more about the actual map itself than the gameplay to be had on the map. I think gameplay is way more vital though. Sure, it's what the map looks like that grabs the player in, but that's only if they are not forced into it. (Playing it without seeing it before hand) I mean, someone could make the most uber-1337 looking map (that EVERYONE would love just looking at it). But it could also end up being the worse for gameplay and if someone was forced into they might label it the worse map ever. (which in turn would be true for the game type) ~However for looks it would be the best map ever. ^-I'll keep that because that's my point of view on which is more important. But yeah, interlocking is a major plus in making gameplay that much more better. (And it also helps make the map look more nice, most of the time) But I have made maps before that didn't use interlocking and they were still good for gameplay. I guess it's really on just how its used for the map. Even now that I know how to do interlocking, I only use it when I really need to.
IMO, Interlocking makes the player's view on the map better, making him or her more willing to play on the map, and that also means more people will play your map.
interlocking affects nothing in gameplay unless you lose the occasional grenade but othewr than that no affect other than looks