So far my map for bowling is functional for the actual bowling part, but there's no way to keep score. I've thought of a way, but I want to make it with no honor rules. Basically, it's 2 v 2 Slayer, at the end of the lane where the pins are (fusion coils) is a box that a player on the opposite team spawns inside, he cannot get out. The only respawns for one team is in the other team's box, and one spawn point is outside in their own lane (so one player is bowling, one is being bowled at). When a team gets a strike, the fusion coils explode and kill the opposing player, getting them a point. They can do this as many times in a round as possible. The problem is that I need to stop people from going through the cannons that propel the ball and cheating by blowing up the coils early.
Nevermind, found my own solution, the map is now available for testing in the Map Testing child forum.