Is this supposed to be a map? This is no map..THIS IS GOD!!! Good job looks smooth with interlocking. Kinda small though looks good for 1v1.
I just love the look of it for some reason, maybe cause I LOVED Beaver Creek, The only problem I saw when I watched the video was when you died, you spawned looking at the wall behind the base.
supreme interlocking, wow. everythin looks very smoothe, you did a very nice job, you got my download!
love the map but one thing you could slant the whole thing so it s longer and bigger, also this reminds me of beaver creek in halo 2 and if the tel was in the back it would be the came nice map 4.5/5
you really like random boxes sticking out of the ground and waterfalls dont you? jk nice little battle creek it r cool
Great looking map. The interlocking is beautiful and the symmetry is nice. It looks a little small but thats k. I like the map.
Extremely small, waterfall, river, boxes jutting from the ground, reminds me a lot of my map Tributary. Looks too small for snipers in the map, I suggest that they are removed. Map looks very nice, a lot neater than mine
aw damn it, ya beat me to this concept. i was gonna forge a remake of beaver creek just like this, only i was gonna do it ultra faithful. you had the same ideas i did though... right down to the merged boxes as rocks. i know this isnt a remake in your eyes, but damn thats eerie. i might continue my work on mine anyways. im only done with one base. great work overall. looks like its great for smaller games.
def keep on working on remaking beaver creek, i would love to see a remake with the basements and everything
as long as i have your blessings, cause i know im gonna catch hell now that you posted this. i dl'ed. gonna add it into rotation for my friends custom games. keep up the good work.