Would it be possible to make a Forge Hub Facebook App.? I don't know anything about programming or making applications for Facebook or anything like that but if anyone knows how to do it or has any ideas what it should be like, post here. I was thinking it could pretty much just display your Halo 3 file share with links to the download on Bungie.net and (if applicable) a link to the Forge Hub thread with the map.
Myspace is gay, but Facebook is alright. I didn't want one but it was the only way to keep in touch with people from my old school and my old job.
That sounds pretty cool. Never used facebook myself, however I understand it's a big part of these series of tubes we call the internet. Anything you make would be greatly appreciated.
I remember reading somewhere that 1% of ALL net traffic is to facebook. I don't know about an app, but what about a group? That being said, I don't know if people would be comfortable revealing their real names linked to their net identities. Y'know, identity theft and all that... EDIT: Why not make a page? http://hs.facebook.com/ads/