Courtyard is a map loosely based off a Halo 2 campaign level, and a COD4 map. Weapons: Sniper Rifles 5x Needler 1x Beam Rifles 2x Magnums 4x Shotgun 1x Gravity Hammer 1x Spikers 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Plasma Grenades 2x Frag Grenades 2x Firebomb Grenades 2x Energy Sword 1x SMG 2x Equipment: Bubble Shield x1 Power Drainer 1x Regenerator 1x Vehicles: Gauss Warthog 2x Mongoose 1x It has a sniper tower, a small building, a train (Crappy) and a shooting range. Sniper Tower: Train (Contains Mongoose in Back) Public Arms Testing Facility (Shooting Range) Beam Rifles and Sword Spawns: Firebombs and Regenerator: Power Drainer is to the left of the Spikers: Gauss Warthog Spawn: Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
if you cant insert pictures, why bother posting? tell me why you cant insert pictures... and ill be happy to help you
Ok, thanks. I can't see a insert pictures button, and the forum post tools says I can't insert attachments. Lol, I know I did HEAPS wrong but please help. By the way, I have a Mac, not a PC.
Ok, Here. Steps: 1. Goto to and save your pictures. 2. Come Here and upload your pics. 3. Use the thumbnail they have provided and insert it into your post using the thumbnail -OR- 3. You can right click on your Picture after uploading it, goto Properties, then copy + paste the location, and edit it in using the code. Example: HTML Location Goes Here[/IMG] Welcome to ForgeHub :P
I try But I am just uploading the pics to Imageshack, so wait about 10 mins and you will be able to see Courtyard.
Actually, the pics aren't working for me. I insert them, then they don't show up. Thanks for the tip, and the intro. But do you have a reason for why I can't add attachments?
Hmm, weird. I use photobucket myself, but wut ev. Btw, u double-posted, some people will flame u 4 that. instead of posting twice, edit ur 1st 1. Welcome to ForgeHub (if u haven't been already)
Oh, it plays well for FFA, and Team Slayer. BTW, I have tried uploading the pics every way I know how. Please help.
Well i think it would be a cool map if you could pull it off, being that COD as some good maps that you could make in forge, but you need to learn how to properly embed pics. Use and then take the code from there and just place it in your post where you pics are now.
This can sometimes be very annoying so I just use the insert image button. -Save the picture to your computer and go to (subscribe for free) -upload the picture and copy the direct link -return to your post and hit the insert image button (make sure to clear the bar before pasting) -It sometimes won't let you add more than one picture. To fix this hit "preview post" and then scroll down and insert another picture. You can only add pictures one at a time but it is sure to work
no pics then that ='s EPIC PHAIL!! i will change post when pics are up You blatantly won't change your post ... also, you said fail, so you get an infraction - TexturedSun
upload, and when you click the little image icon on your toolbar, you should have a popup asking for the link to the image....after that, it should work.....(use image shack's DIRECT LINK) that is a must to use the direct link, and remember to resize your pics to 1024 by something else....that should do it (if it works give me + rep plz thanks!)