"Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste.." (Anyone guess the reference? lol.) Hey guys, I'm Josh. My ForgeHub name is ClassicRockRnum7. My gamertag is JSlayer7, though (why FH Name =/= GT? I have no idea.). You may or may not have seen my around the forums commenting maps, but I've been here for about 3 months (only active for about 1 of them). I live in Washington DC (for all you geography extraordinaires, that is in Maryland). I am going to be a junior in high school and am currently 16. I play soccer for my school, and have played at regional and national levels, but not at this level anymore because I go to a pretty demanding school. I currently play futsal (a variation of indoor soccer) for a defending national champ, though. I also listen to a lot of different types of music (classic rock, one might guess). Classic rock, heavy metal, anything 80's or 90's is always pretty chill with me. I play guitar, so any music with kickass guitar is good to listen to. My maps usually take a helluva long time to make because I am pretty much busy with stuff to do. I make maps and take screenshots more than actually play because I am artistic (photographer). Whenever I submit a map, ALWAYS expect touched up version 2's, 3's or even 4's because I like constructive criticism FH gives and I always try to make my maps as good as they can eventually get. I've already submitted two maps to FH in the competitive section (links are at the bottom). For the future, expect an Avalanche racetrack with geomerging, interlocking, and death pits (will turn out awesome!), and a Foundry MLG-like also with geomerging and interlocking. And for you Grifball fans, expect a basic Grifball map made in Cold Storage. Here's me, excited to start playing! OK. In all seriousness, here is me, uh, playing soccer. Map Links: Xeron Project v3 Creep v2