
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Motokid985, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Motokid985

    Motokid985 Ancient
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    Created by Motokid985 XBL: Motoisback

    Supported Gametypes:
    Neutral Assult

    Map Description
    Symetrical. To bases sitting opposite the map. Man cannons to sniper perches, 1 Rocket in the middle of the map sorrounded by Fusion Coils. Sword directly under rocket. Lite on power weapons. First map. Close combat for sure. Lots of sticks, And corner killing. Again, First map don't kill me.


    One base side, Someone getting needled

    Sword Spawn, Getting owned in the face as he picks it up.

    Man Cannon to sniper Perch

    Overview of the map


    Yeap, First map, Very few advance techniques used sorry. Thanks to Amsterdamer + Snowborder93 for Testing and Minor Fixing.
    Download Cavalier
  2. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    its alright. more pics would be helpful
  3. screenhunter69

    screenhunter69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks cool will download when i get back on
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    looks like there is not one object that is interlocked. Im not saying that a good map NEEDS interlocking, but a good map normally has interlocking. Regardless, Cavalier looks like a bunch of walls and boxes to make a maze that is very easy to grenade jump outside of. And by the pics, i see 3 spots that i can get outside of your map. And it looks like you could get Rockets and Sword at once.
    2/5. Sorry
  5. Motokid985

    Motokid985 Ancient
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    I updated it a little, Getting ontop of the map is part of it, Getting out is 100% impossable with a regular slayer type, This is my first map, So I tried to stay as liner as possable with it. Nothing big and fancy...Yet.
  6. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    Um yeah... in the pictures there are people standing ontop of the boxes already so he probably knows this already.

    The post is pretty good and It is up to all the forgehub standards. The description could use a little more detail and it seems like you are describing the map after running a race. Lots. of. short. sentences.

    The map is decent and pretty basic. It uses half of foundry and consists of a groundlevel with lots of close/medium range areas. This is good though you should have added cover. Then the second level is just the top of a box and maybe tops of walls. this isn't playable and I believe that it detract from the map. If you want a second level than make more open ground there.

    Interlocking Is the next step for you so go and check out the videos in forging 101. You might also want to mess around with geomerging which is also explained. These two techniques will allow you to make a much more complex map. It adds to the aesthetics and gameplay.

    -an easy way to geomerge is to place some upside down doors on top of an object. They should sink into the object just like that door in the first picture sunk into the ground. Next place some walls around the object to keep it from moving. Position yourself above the object and grab it. Hold onto it as the doors become solid again and push the object down. Once it stops moving release it and delete all of the walls.

    post= 8/10
    map= 7/10
  7. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Nice with using the mancannon some maps usually dont use man cannons so good with that. You should try interlocking on other upcoming maps itll make it look cleaner but good job with this map i believe it bould be lots of fun.

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