Dont play this unless u want some serious owning to happen. Map is great for just a crazy party. Shotguns are great, Snipers and better, and hammers... well hammers just insane. A must have for anyone lookin to have some fun.
no offense but this map is really bad. its a box with a platform in the middle. nothing special about that. easy spawn kills and grenade kills .5/5
Yay I'm in pic three! (Yellow Guy). Dude, this map was sick. It was non-stop intense action all the way. And for such a sizeable parrty it still held up. I really liked how those little platforms and extrusions can really mix things up and temporarily provide a semblance of a respite. Great map Ghost, so hectic... so fun.... EPIC WIN FTW!
'Maps are but a matter of taste one likes infection the other likes well thought out slayer maps and the 3rd just wants to play something crazy a 4th loves the artistic look of some asthetic maps there is no true 'bad' maps only ones that are disliked by the general public here you are a minority might i add as long as one man likes your map it is a good one' -java
woah this looks nice, perfect interlocking and it looks cool, you got my download. looks awesome!! nice job
This seems like a pretty well made map with nice interlocking. The idea isn't original since this type of hectic close quarters thing has been done before. I like what you have done with the rounded area though. -I suggest that you make one of these on one side of foundy and one identical opposite it then in the middle have a much larger ovalish one. In between you could add some circular tunnels made out of bridges. That would be original and stretch out the gameplay so you don't die right away. It kind of reminds me of a hampster pen so you could taylor this new map to that idea. maybe make a food tray in the middle area and a wheel. Good job though. 8.5/10
nice map tx i like the center platform and i think i saw this on artificers too i dont remember.....but great map anyways!!
this is a really cool map i love it i think that you forged it really well i only have one prob it does look kinda small so it is for team doubles i guess