Stuff you. The "pile" of junk that he did is actually very time-consuming to make, I'm sorry if you don't see why. Also, it's obvious that you haven't been in ForgeHub for very long, for if you had, you would never have said this: I could go on, but why bother? 4 stars.
No offense, but even though you made it to be something, in retrospect it is still just a ball of random stuff. It's like making a puzzle and calling it "saw", even though there really is nothing that makes it "saw". It's still just a puzzle. Also, this looks like it could have been done in an hour, maybe two, not three days and I really don't get the point of downloading it.
goin a little achievement happy fill? lol. really, i've been seein you smack those all over the forums. looks like somebody likes his technology ninja. well put, either way
LOLZ!! This map is awesome and you have to be a total idiot not to realize its quality. Kinda like this guy: Ummmm how do I put this? Oh I know! ignorant @$$hole and you can't take a joke and you should've just kept your mouth shut instead of lookin like an idiot. I checked out your map, "Hectic Arena", and I could tell you so many things wrong with that map and exclaim that I could do sooo much better (what you do) or I could give you constructive criticism and ways to improve that map (but sadly, you're not worth it). Bravo sir, bravo. Again bravo and you have won this:
Thanks for all the kinder comments everyone. The only reason why it took me a couple days is because well, I have other things in LIFE that I have to do. So I can't be on that game for a whole day to make a map. I was thinking of putting random objects around the area to look like he's picking them up, but I didn't. I figured it'll be more like a statue or whatever.
...and it's not fat, it's American. Lol, I looooove Katamari though. I thought it was pretty funny. Map aside, try to keep the negative-type comments aside.
S-Pac.....i would like to apologize to you for spamming on this, (cuz im an idiot and i didnt get it) also, i would like to offer something you can add as another detail about the katamari, that it also appears in the cool falling-sand-game the namekuji is the katamari once again, i apologize
Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari, and Beautiful Katamari are all japanese video games where u play as a tiny person rolling a ball and as you roll up items, they stick to your ball and you get bigger and bigger and bigger and can pick up BIGGER objects until you reach a cetrain size. emkay?
Katamari is the most awesome, random game ever! Oh, and by the way, this is harder to make than it looks.
thts really not a nice thing to say i mean this took him DAYS nd ur just sayin its a peice of junk. plus u say u could do this in an hour? interlocking and puttin stuff together and u could do it in just a single hour...i dont beleive it at all but i do beleive you should STAY warned. I thought it was AWESOME for a katamari map