I personally think the best ending to a movie ever is 'The Bourne Ultimatum' it has the best ending to a movie....anyone whos scene it will agree with me the way the girl smiles, the way the music ques..up...absolutely PERFECT! Thats my opinion...Im not sure if this thread has been started yet but...yea... What is the best Ending to a movie? Please EXPLAIN WHY!
Depends on the storyline. My favourite one is a title i can't remember but its of four guys doing a drug deal then on of the guys nicks all the money but leaves some in his best mates locker.
i loved the ending to batman begins. It brought a massive smile to my face and it gave me chills. "he left his calling card"
THe endign to I am Legend didnt live up to the stadard pace the movie had set. The ending was way too easy and it seemed very rushed.
oh i see what you mean...yea...i guess so...it kinda just ended really fast...did you see the alternate one? if not go to youtube an watch it...its alot different....
You sir, are correct. That movie was amazing as was the ending. "And this bleep bleep...." I don't want to ruin it. Anyone who has not seen it yet must see it in theatres, it is so amazing.
BoonDocks Saint's That was an amazing movie! Worst would have to be I am Legend haha Good story line bad ending, I heard the book's ending is way better.
Its an amazing movie and one of my favorite movies of all time. See it at the theater if you can, it's worth it.