I was surfing Bungie today and started looking back to some previous Post Game Carnage Reports and eventually I decided to look up my Halo 2 gamertag. Then I clicked all the way back to the first matchmaking game I ever played. I thought it was cool to see the stats and the date and time of your first Halo matchmaking game ever. So the point of this thread is for you to go back in time and check out your first game ever. Post the stats below using this as a template: Gamertag: DielusionZ Date/Time: November 12th,2004 @ 5:06pm Map: Ascension Gametype: Rumble Pit Score: Winner 16 Kills...Me 5 Kills. Kills to Deaths (k/d): 5/13 That's my stats,what are yours???
Gamertag: Monsta Masha Map: Snowbound Gametype: Slayer Score: I scored 14 points Avg. Life: 00:00:32 Best Spree: 3 Most Killed: Lukaz100(1)(G)
Winner from the start: Slayer on The Pit Playlist: Rumble Pit Friday, November 23, 2007 Length: 00:10:15 Blakem0n92 placed 2nd Score: 17 Avg. Life: 00:00:39 Best Spree: 3 Total Kills: 17 Most Killed: Bastorr
I can remember it vividly, team slayer playlist, the pit, team slayer, 14 kills 5 deaths, 2 double kills, tool of destruction: BR (10 kills), 11 headshots, medals: 1 snipe, 1 beat down, killing spree =]
Gamertag: Attacaine Date/Time: December 27th,2007 @ 11:28am Map: Guardian Gametype: Basic Training (Slayer) *Remember that this is the first real first-person shooter that I've ever played* Kills (Me): 1 Kill Deaths (Me): 19 Deaths Place: Last Average Life: 19 seconds
here is the link Rumble pit on Midship date 10/3/2006, 10:27 PM PDT 6th place 9 kills 2 assists 17 deaths K/D -8 i remember that game. at the time i thought i was really good at halo. lol
Halo 3 Gamertag: Fiery Date/Time: 9/25/2007, 3:27 PM PDT Map: Guardian Gametype: Basic Training Score: Winner 25 kills 12 deaths Kills to Deaths (k/d):+13
<LI class="break styled">gone comando placed 2nd <LI class=styled>Playlist - Basic Training 27/09/2007, 10:29 PDT Length: 00:10:55 Top medal - Triple kill/Killing spree Pretty good K/D plus four