Can you somehow get the monitor thing to not follow you around like with overloading cause im making a ninja map and i need it dark and that dam light keeps giving me away I tried covering it up with a wall but it just shines through
Don't think so sorry. You could try blocking the light with a wall so you can even see the eye. Havn't tried it yet just an idea...
In maps like Cold Storage and Foundry, as well as others, the light goes through anything and everything. You cannot block it. That is why, for example, if you make a box on Foundry the inside of the box stays lit up. Normally it would be very dark. Even if you place a wall in front of the sunlight streaming into Foundry through its broken window, it goes through. The same goes for Cold Storage and other maps. The light goes through the objects. I'm guessing this is because when the map was built, it wasn't designed to have random Forged objects on it. If it HAD been designed with that in mind, the creators might have done something about the light issue. Ah well. Hope this helped somewhat. -MattDGiant
Maybe because light has no matter or mass. It was designed to reflect off of you, and not walls and stuff.
Lol, this is an intriguing problem to have...though the questions been answered, I'm calling for a lock.
To block the light you set the juicy FX on and place multiple walls in front of the moniter to completely block the moniter on all angles with about 2 walls thickness that stops most of the light coming through but not all of it sorry. Have tried multiple items with multiple FX this was the best result.
wwell i heard on that it disapearsw when overloaded and they even had a picture maybe i have to use a different technique?