Those guys who just have to get the last word in.... ;)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Supa Midget, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    We've all run into them havent we.
    Those complete handicaps that get "owned" or otherwise slaughtered one way or another BUT rather than being the biger man/woman and just saying
    good game
    and that being the end of it,they have to make themselves feel big by throwing in an insult via a message as a desperate act of revenge.

    For instance one particular tool i met recently was
    "gutlesswarror" lol
    Now gutless was a mediocre player,i was better but he wasnt bad....
    But after winning 50 to 39 in slayer i recieved this message
    Stars added for younger viewers lololololololololol

    Ill enhance just how stupid this was by saying this.
    1. We were playing shotty snipers
    2. My tool of destruction was the sniper along with 5 headshots
    3. I beat this idiot in game with a sniper close up while he was using shotty(shoot and beat down kill)
    I think we can all agree he was talking out of his ass on this one.
    Just to verify heres the carnage report

    Anyone else run into gobshines like this?
    If so post there message or whatnot and lets see who's had the most retarded one ;)
    Oh and add what your reply was if you did.
    #1 Supa Midget, Jul 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    who doesnt.
    They are everywhere. I just laugh at them and shrug it off.
  3. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I remember when you were one of them, lol. when you lost to a german in smackdown vs raw 07 you went off saying PIGFUCKER like 10 times.

    or you would get some 12 year old saying to hit puberty.
  4. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Lol,linu the germans don't f**k pigs,
    they merely like sausage :D.....wait that came out wrong
    Linubidix is a rascist lololololololololol
    (whew saved it XD)

    Lol and i thought i overdid forgehub a little ;)
    #4 Supa Midget, Jul 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  5. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    I usually have to get the last word IRL, but I'm not that much of a jerk.
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I dont remember what happened now, but I didnt sa....
    I remember now, I was in a match in SvR07, I had my mic in but didnt realise nor care, and this guy wouldnt shut the **** up. Half way through he used that head attack which I despised so I quit, he then sent me like 30 abusive voices messages which I shared with my friends for a great laugh. He'd call me all kinds of ****, so I said, "get over it, pigfucker" he then continued his ammusing messages, so I sent him a message with pigfucker written in it like 14 times. That was fun. Keep in mind that was well over a year ago and I've matured a lot. I think that kid's name was Fokerr

    I'm not racist.
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Lol i was kidding of course lin :)
    Hehe i repied to gutless... i hope he hasnt block communications or anything becuase i want to see what kinda S he pulls out of his A this time XD
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I love responding to hate mail, to have it snowball into almost all out war.
    I havent done that in qute some time now.
  9. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    One particular kid sent me a picture of himself flicking the camera off with a caption of F**K U N****R. And he looked himself to be a 12 year old black kid. And no, I'm not black. I laughed because I never spoke a word to him. The game ended up being 50 - 20 something. But that was along time ago.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I remember a little while ago, playing SvR08, I completely dominated this guy, and after the match I sent him a picture message of me giving him 2 thumbs up and giving a ridiculously large smile.
  11. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    ive gotten a few for people thinking of me hacking(because im so good). so they send me the -feedback and the hate mail. so i just get everyone in my team to send them non stop messages. thats really annoying, having non stop messages popping up.
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I LOVE it when people think im hacking...really its awesome.
    They might be trying to ***** but what im hearing is

    Only happened to me a few times though and its was becuase the idiots was spraying and praying with the needler and missing was a fun game lol
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    How can you fail with the needler?
    Just keep looking roughly at them for a couple seconds.
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    No idea
    I was too busy laughing at him that i didnt get a chance anylise it :)
  15. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    Ha ha... Yeah there is not a lot of classy winning and losing going on on the internet, is there...

    The only time I ever blocked comms from someone is actually a pretty funny story. For those who haven't played GTA4 multiplayer, there is no quick way to mute people in-game, so during races in particular, muting people is really not an option. I was in a ranked race, and once the race started, someone started loudly singing some racist KKK song... constantly... without stopping. This whole waiting-till-the-race-starts-to-start-being-annoying-in-the-mic thing is nothing new, so I just bottom out the volume on my headset so I don't have to hear it the whole race (and yes I checked it again several times, and he was still at it pretty much the whole race). Naturally, the same guy is driving backwards the whole race trying to take people out. I was winning the race from lap 1 on, and was way ahead, as the next few positions must have been repeatedly taken out by this dude. I dodged him successfully about 10 times throughout the race, and couldn't help but talk trash to the guy each time, just chanting 'failure' a few times each time he missed. So of course he nails me on almost the last turn of the last lap, and proceeds to totally block me in an alley or something (we were driving fire trucks). I keep trying to get out to finish the race, because nobody passed me yet, but he just kept perfectly moving to keep me blocked. After everyone finally passed me, I just left the game in complete and total frustration. After I got the second taunting 'failure, failure, failure' message from him (not even the same day), I blocked him to prevent being further reminded of my humiliation. (Don't get me wrong though, I found these particular messages hilarious, and I admit I earned them in this case)
  16. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Alas we cant win em all beaver ;)
    Still the internet wouldnt be half as much fun without these idiots....i'd hate to be their real life friends though XD
  17. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'd have to say the best one was during a match. While playing against a team of four and loosing 10-5 (not to badly), I got a message from one of the guys in game. It read: "Dude, your team sucks and we're so totally going to kick your ass you f**kin fa88ot". So I showed my friends (cause it was all my close friends at home) and they all laughed and we steaked them 27 to 50. Also during this match, the guy who sent said message had the sniper and I dodged all 4 bullets, ran into the open while being surrounded by 2 other guys, BRed the Sniper dude, grabbed the sniper since he reloaded it for me, turned around and stuck one guy and head shotted the other before they both blew up (since they were extremely close to each other). Later I sent a message saying: "Work on that aim, and you might be able to get to level 25".
  18. S-Pac

    S-Pac Ancient
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    I admit, I can get very vocal when I get completely slaughtered in a match. Like this one game the other night, Me and my team were playing a 2 flag CTF game and the other team had three Generals. Not surprisingly, they owned us at the last round winning one point. We couldn't get one in.
    So I lost my temper and shouted at them after the game. But after awhile I apologized. :surprise:
  19. doomy

    doomy Ancient
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    it was my first time on halo 2 live and i dominated the other team 50 to 5 it was then all i hear is tw"t C""t B"""t"rd B"t"h and others
  20. The God of Grunge


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    One time I owned is this guy and his guest and slayer. He said, '**** you ***** all you do is AR. I'll kick your ****ing ass in 2v2.'

    I replied, "Normally, I would except, but knowing you, 2v2 is some sick sexual foursome. I for one, am not gay, but support your life choices, and if you message me for sex again I will find you and kill you."
    Willmatic likes this.

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