NSN Coloseum Created by Prophet of Heresy Supported Gametypes: Mosh Pit Slayer Map Description The NSN coloseum is basically an arena with 2 sides and a center where most of your battles will be fought it is set up for close up weapon type only games (like swords or shotguns), and mosh pit.It is interlocked and geomerged in places that it is needed and to the best of my ability. It's not complex but the gameplay that takes here is phenominal.Every time I play with my friends we play here. There are even spread spawn points and starting points all around the coloseum. you can play with teams but unless you play 2v2 it will be easy to spawn kill please rate download and comment as this is my pride and joy _________________________________________________ Side A Side B _________________________________________________ It is possible to get out of the map with some grenade jumps, but there is no profit in doing so. (unless you have ranged weapons) Download NSN Coloseum
i think that this is only good for mosh pit but then again some slayer maps are good for open areas. hmm. it is hard to say what it is like without dnlding. well at least you have huge walls to protect geting out... but you said you could some how... well... it looks like it would be good for mosh pit. nice job!
well i suggest u fix that grenade jump problem really soon... no download from me cuz of that... it just ruins the game! srry
many made, and if you have money, improve GREATLY on the smoothness of the middle thing (like merge a box into the ground, and then put fencewalls slightly merged into it (with top parts on ground)
when I try to merge a box in the ground it always slips into the ground or stays uneven no matter how many times i try and the center is supposed to be in a v-shape thing
Seems a little bare - bones and hectic but it needs some cover in the middle area to the sides of the center piece. Are there any weapons on map? If so, can we have a list (respawn and spare clips included)?
i reccon 4 a mini game (because it reminds me of the stadium from jak x) play a warthog war or ghostie grindz (again ghosts remind me of jak x) =P
I don't understand why people freak out because of being able to gremade jump out of the map! It's not that big of a deal. People need to get it through their heads that only complete jerks would jump out. Anyway... the map looks great, wonderful interlocking and geo merging. Great job.
thankyou for explaining that for me and there is little cover because i dont like it when i loose like a br contest and people say i got out br'd when the other person just had more cover than me so its like your fighting straight up and no way to have any kind of advantage if that makes any sense
hey dude i need a plain arena map othing in it nice inter locking on it and i need it 3 layers high with a fence box in the second layer for like ceaser plz i rly need it