Straight and simple question. Do you prefer the Carbine, or the BR. BR Facts - Fires 3 shot rounds More accurate than the Carbine Longer range than the Carbine Carbine Facts - Single Shot Fires faster than the BR (by milliseconds, but it's still important) Each bullet does more damage Just a few fatcs I came up with quickly. You want any others in, just tell me. But I personally prefer the BR, as it feels like a stronger weapon for some reason, and the bullets almost always seem to hit (on a good host). But the carbine is still a good weapon in some situations too.
I prefer the BR, the spray can be useful. The Carbine, I believe has longer range, or just it has faster rate of fire, making it better for longer range.
Battle Rifle. Carbine...I've just never found a right instance to pick it up. I find the battle rifle to be stronger to and easier to kill with.
I like the Carbine, it having a long range and fast fire rate and candy. But when you're one shotting, i would go for the BR.
The only time I ever use a Carbine is when there's no BRs around or none on the map. And most of the time I play BR starts so... Anyways, if you could not tell I prefer the BR over the Carbine.
its more accurate than the carbine at close-mid range, but any further than that it sprays and the bullets have lagg. but i prefer the battle rifle any day
I prefer Carbine, but I use the BR more because it's standard. If I find a Carbine, I'll usually switch out my AR for it so I have both. But when it comes down to picking up a sniper or something, I'll keep the BR because I have OCD and I can't have a covenant weapon and a UNSC weapon
carbine seems less accurate. shooting in bursts can finish one-shotted enemies better than 1-2 or even 3 shots with a carbine. You have to hold the ridicule steadier for the carbine. with a BR it is easier to hit yyour shots on target because in staed of having 5 or so hits to kill u only have 3 that u need to hit with the BR to kill
Rhythm...I mean its simple carbines have a single shot beat ... and the BR sets a 3 shot rest beat... I mean for me that means I can time shots way better....
I like both, but the Carbine seems to shoot very randomly in Halo 3, so I'd weigh the BR slightly higher.
Sometimes I use both at the same time in case I would need to reload, then I just take out the Carbine and head shot them. Although, I still prefer the BR. I like it more cause the carbine sounds annoying.
im sure the br is prolly better. but i looove my carbines. their pretty n' stuff :] and every tiem i hear the carbine shot, I cream my panties a little. D;
I think br is better but maybe someone with really good aim could do better with a carbine via the faster shooting rate and higher damge per shot i personally don't like it because br has a little tiny spray carbine has none
Carbine, easy. No one picks it up, that's great for me, it fires faster and kills faster. The BR is good for shorter ranges, but since the three bullets aren't fired at the same time, you have to hit with all of them in order to kill faster than the Carbine. Plus, in most situations, people are using the AR, and I think the Carbine is better going against the AR that the BR is, because it kills faster.