Katamari Created by S-Pac 3:16 Supported Gametypes: Whatever... Map Description So what would happen if a Katamari were to run loose in the Foundry? This would happen. I made a replica out of love for this game series. I placed grav-lifts for players to use if they want to get on top. This is not a map to play competitively in, Just to look at. Kartamari Damacy is a Japanese game where you roll up objects into a large ball by rolling over them and they stick to it. You start out rolling up smaller objects like thumbtacks and paper clips and as you progress, you you pick up larger objects like vehicles and people and eventually buildings, etc. _________________________________________________ Let's lump up to make, a single star in the sky... That's supposed to be The Prince, doing his thing. Top view. Another view. AAAAAGHH! IT'S GONNA GET ME! OOP! It got me... _________________________________________________ This took me a couple days to make. But I'm pretty satisfied with the results. You have to be a fan of Katamari Damacy to really appreciate this. It looks a little lop-sided, but Katamaris tend to look that way sometimes... Thanks for the feedback. Download Katamari here
I think I remeber some japanese game that you're a magnetic ball and roll around or something, this must be what it is... Um, Honestly this looks like a big pile of junk, and probably takes a big fan of the game to appreciate, but for most people who don't know what this is supposed to be, it will come across as a joke (that was my first impression until I faintly remebered the game). Um... not really sure how to rate this... I'll give it a 2 or 3 out of 5.
this looks like the STUPIDEST thing i have ever seen on ForgeHub.com's history, but the prince is still funny.....lol anyone could have done that....AND i just saw this part: WTF how does it take you a couple of days to make a big pile-o junk i coula done it in 1 hour! wtf less!!! and what results do you have do be satisfied with? any mods out there, im really sorry, but this had to be done 0.1/9999999 for me
This is one of the funniest maps I've seen on ForgeHub, but I don't think that Katamaris have interlocking and geomerging, oh well I guess this is allowed.
i'm not sure what Katamaris are so from what i see the map looks very sloppy. but i'm sure the map is good for people who do know what a katamari is
To all who don't know what Katamari is according to Wikipedia: "Katamari's plot concerns a diminutive prince on a mission to rebuild the stars, constellations and Moon, which his father, the King of All Cosmos, has accidentally destroyed. This is achieved by rolling a magical, highly adhesive ball called a katamari around various locations, collecting increasingly larger objects, ranging from thumbtacks to schoolchildren to mountains, until the ball has grown large enough to become a star."
Well folks, I only did this for fun. Like I said, you have to be a fan to fully appreciate this. So it's an acquired taste. I think there is a demo of "Beautiful Katamari" in the Xbox market place if I'm not mistaken, but don't quote me on that. So if your curious, give it a shot. But here's a screen shot from one the Katamari games...and it's not gay, it's Japanese. Thanks for your comments anyways. Two stars is better than nothing.
just curious, what r u supposed to do in that game anyway. all i know is that it says its a puzzle game
You really should know what you're talking about before you go screaming your head off like a hyper-active child on Christmas morning. This is a replica of a Japanese game Beautiful Katamari, a game in which you roll around and things stick to you. As for the stupidest thing in ForgHub.com's history that was rather harsh and unnecessary, seemingly it is you that is the stupidest thing in ForgeHub.com's history. Furthermore I could look at MLG Onslaught for instance and say " Oh well anyone could have done that". But they didn't. Exactly the same situation here. Last but not least babbling on about how long it took him is completely ludicrous. Have you even thought that he worked on this map for a short 5 minutes each day? Thus he completed this map in a mere tan minutes when you on the other claim to being to do this in under an hour, making you like a forging handicap. So next time you decide to grace the forums with your presence, think before you post to discontinue your foolish, bull-headed appearance.
You roll up various objects in a ball to rebuild the stars and planets in the solar system. Kind of like a snowball, only with thumbtacks, people, animals, Cars and even buildings. It's a fun, simple game. Here's a vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwhFH75OCDsI guess a lot of folks here haven't played this game...oh well. And thanks Bill Reloaded.
i played it but i dont have it its ok 4 a JRPG =D I <3 Katamari Is Better Than Buitiful Even With The Worse Graphics Lololol Ps. Some1 Forge On Rats Nest Plzplzplz Merged double post.
Aha! So thats Katamari... I personally think it is OK for an aeshetetic, uhm, yeah, thats spelled wrong... Otherwise it would be ****. ^^
I like it, I didn't see in the pics whether or not you scattered random objects around, did you? So it's acting like it's picking them up? I wouldn't care either way, it looks good, keep up the good work. ~Randle $candal
wow... i've never played katamari, but i know wat it is. it just surprises me how stupid some of the comments have been. he said it would only make sense to fans, or in my case, somebody who knows the game. if you don't know the game then you're obviously not gonna get it and you should just keep your mouth shut if nothing constructive is gonnna come out of it. its really not that hard. and i dont remember the name of the guy who was flaming (i reallly couldn't care less) but i'd challenge him to make a better looking katamari ball. it looks like a ball of junk, because thats what it's supposed to f***ing look like. and its a well-crafted ball of junk at that. nice job