We all know that if one thing about halo 3 is to be agreed on, its the fact that its packed with easter eggs. From the skulls to the "RvB conversation" to the missing poster to the terminals to the Da Vinci Egg, Bungie seems to have spent alot of time packing the game with alot of fun little extras. So, what are you guys' favorite easter eggs/secrets? My favorite (without question) is the Red vs Blue conversation in the Level Crow's Nest. It features a guy outsude a locked door using various methods to try and gain entrance, to no avail. Depending on the dificulty, they say different things and sound different. In Legendary, it sounds exactly like sarge and griff, in heroic it sounds like church and caboose.
Da Vinci? :squirrel_wtf: I only know of a couple easter eggs, so it'd be intresting to learn where some of the others that i dont know about are
you haveta use the theater glitch to get outta sandtrap, then behind one (or each?) of the columns is an egg with a buncha letters on it
yes, in sandtrap if you go outside the map there is an egg like in the da vinci code. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO5ElMD2Prw
I don't know what exactly the title has to do with the topic? But yeah those easter eggs are interesting.
Yup, thats another one i forgot about. There is also the bungie guy standing on one of the satellites on Standoff (you need to get out of the map to see it, and theres a youtube vid i think)
and the guy on the moon on standoff... when did these squirrel emotes get here? :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_evil:
Why would you randomly talk Spanish though. And why wouldn't you learn it yourself? Any ways, the monkeys are not on a cave they're on a cliff.
I just like to have fun with translators. Also, people just call it a cave because it twos rocks pushed nearby eachother. It may be a cave, so Cave/cliff monkey people FTW!
My favorite easter egg is the Mario one. When you die, instead of hearing a grunt you hear a Mario-esque squeal.