Hel00ooo! there Forgemates! Its PwnCakes here and sense i saw that everyone was doing these Introductions about 3 or 4 years after they actually joined FH I thought I'd do one too! Ok so my name's Ryan, im 15 and I live on a small island in Washington with a population of about 300. The island haz N0 Coppers, Cops, 50', Fuzz or what ever you wanna call it so I pretty much haz fun all year round... I can drive light of fire works... and do other things pretty much when ever I want. I do have a job how ever... i get 8$/hr and work about 4 hrs a day... and i also mow lawns to get more monayz. Which doesnt leave much time for halo. I love forgehub because my old Forum got shutdown and this one is like way better anyways... and most of the people are coo000l here. I enjoy Halo 3, posting on FH, Working, Mowing, Biking, and pretty much alot of stuff that im tooo lazy type out and stuff. I also just made a `-Sig Shop- which you can find by clicking that. When I'm not doing any of those things im usually sleeping or hanging out with my girl friend, Or in school. Oh yeah and speaking of school, im a 3.5 student (honor role 4 semesters) and every day i have to take a 6 minute ferry ride to the other island to goto school. Because the island i live on doesnt have a school either :S well yeah thats pretty much me... i hope you find my life interesting
lol yeah its pretty sweet. but it kinda sucks some times because well for instance... on the 4th these 20 yr olds had like 20 beers and did some shrooms and other hardcore drugs... and they were super drunk/high and they tried to catch the 12 o'clock ferry and a deer jumped in the road... he was going like 70 on a 35... he swerved out of the way of the deer while still hitting it... and ran the passenger into a tree... almost killing her. here it was all over the news Source: Alcohol or drugs a factor in Anacortes crash that injured five - Seattle - MSNBC.com Trooper Keith Leary said a 1990 Ford Mustang driven by 18-year-old Travis Bird went off the road and struck a tree shortly after midnight.The State Patrol said Bird was wearing a seatbelt, but his four passengers were not. Twenty-year-old Whitney Schultz was airlifted to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle in critical condition. Jenna Williamson, 20; Ian Reeves, 19; and Lisa Pfeffer, 20, were taken to Island Hospital. Their conditions were not known. An investigation is ongoing.
that does sound pretty damn awesome...but i have to admit....sounds soooo boring at the same time D; maybe if there was a bunch of kids to play with or something, but since you didnt mention that, im assuming there isnt.
Yeah there really are no kids that are my age so I just goto my friends how and play wow (hes like 18) i have to make friends with older people alot, but its awsome because he has 4 computers in one room and we play wow all day but yeah it can be boring some times but when it is boring... i just go sailing. and nemi, yes you are cool
I wish I could go sailing when I get bored, but Pirates stole my ship. Ur Island sounds cool, slow-paced but I like that. And I'm not gonna complain about no cops. Hey, you could overthrow the Island and live like a king! Enslave the locals to build you a castle etc. the whole deal. And yes Nemi is cool, if only for fear of his repping powers. My friend has only seen FH once and all he remembers is ur Sig Nemi, he loves it.