Cold Bank Must use the RaceTracks gametype. This track features a big banked turn, a huge jump, a starting gate, a viewing platform, a penalty place and lots of assisted turns in the tight passageways. It is completely uncheatable. It works best with smaller groups of racers but there are 8 mongooses so feel free to have larger races. People who have played it say it is the best Cold Storage track yet. It is advised that you drive some parts slowly or you will crash. Click for picture slideshow. Full Description: The race starts on the side of the big room opposite the light. 8 mongooses are parked there and you spawn right next to them. After 20 seconds a ramp spawns and you drive through the 2 doors to the other side of the big room. There are also starting lights. When you are at the other side, you go right up the small ramp and into the passageways. There is a grav lift assisted turn to help you take the turn in the first room. You then go out through the other hallway and come out by the banked turn. The bank is mostly double wide and has 2 grav lifts to help guide you. This is a great place for passing. The bank curves up to the right and into the doorway leading to the sniper room. You drive down the passage, past the window and come into the room where the sniper rifle usually spawns. There is a shield door to help you turn. You then drive out onto the ledge and take a mancannon jump to the other ledge. Shield doors help you land. You then drive down the thin stretch of hallway, around a shield door assisted bend and into the room with the flood in a tube. There is a bridge leading over all the stuff on the ground to make i smoother. You exit out the opposite side, through the objective and come out back in the room under the light. You then go up the small ramp into the passageways and continue. There are also teleporters floating in the air, custom power ups above doors and arrows on the ground to help show you where to go. Sender nodes in each room send you back to the start. The objective has a grav lift and teleporters around it to prevent cheating. The teleporter sends you to a gap in the roof and will cause confusion. When they figure out where they are, they drop down and take the nearby teleporter back to the start. Telepoeters on the left and right of the start also lead up to a viewing platform. This is located above the mongooses. Screenshots: Starting Line Starting Gate Into the Passageways Grav Lift Assisted Turn Banked Turn End of Banked Turn Jump Bridge by Flood Tube Objective Penalty Viewing Platform Map location: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype location: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Join our RaceTracks Group HaloTracks
this post is not up to standards, I believe you already know how to embed pictures, but you must embed all of your pictures. And in your thread title just have the name of the map, the fact that you added (best cold storage track yet) makes me want to boycott this map.
Fine I wil emb them but it will make the post look big. But it is the best Cold Storage track yet from those I have seen.
I havent seen any, and because of Cold storage's layout, I dont see great racing coming from Cold Storage.
Well this track works great, at least with only a few people. I have an even better idea for a track on Cold Storage that will be wide and simple.
I assure you it's not impossible. If you really don't want to download just wait for some replies from people who have tried it.
Well I'm an openminded guy, so I'm gonna DL this! Although I never expected any decent Cold Storage maps so soon...
I've been working on a Cold Storage track myself, so if you don't mind I think I'll give this a DL so as to compare ideas and see if there's anything you thought of that I missed (or vice-versa - I'll post mine up probably later today after I get a mob of people in there for some action shots). In point of fact, it is the best Cold Storage track yet. I don't see any other Cold Storage tracks, so him calling it that commits no offense. There isn't anything better in the line of Cold Storage tracks, so him including that in his title commits no technical foul beyond the rule that only the map's name should be included in the title. Or maybe the joke he played went over your head...
This map really looks sweet. I will for sure try this map out. The banked turn looks like a cool feature as well. Keep up the good work 5/5!
Sorry to drag this further but. . . He was partially talking about the rules. Just because it's true at the point, doesn't mean it's alright to put it in the title.This isn't the Bungie forums, and advertising in the title isn't allowed.
Nice map! I tried to do a track on cold storage myself but I completely screwed it up. After playing this I can say this is the best cold storage map, but just put your map's title as the thread title. I know we'[ve already stated this and even though there's maybe 3 or 4 cold storage race maps at the most right now, don't you think (best cold storage race map yet) is a little overzealous? Leave that to the community to decide. Just my two cents. But I have to say after all that ranting, right now, this is the best cold storage race map.
Wow, already a cold storage map. It's good too. I like how you have chosen to do a race on this map as it has many curves and jumps perfect for doing so. (The man-made curves look good too.) I know Cold Storgae isn't an item heavy forge map but the shield doors give the impression it could get bumpy. You could reconsider using them in some places - that is if you haven't got any more itmes left. Good work 4/5
I hope this is only race map on Cold Storage, but you pulled it off nicely. I wish it was a little cleaner however.
this is a cool map i thin kso of it is kinda sloppy just edit to that part i like the penalty part as well that is good
as i've said before I hate cold Storage. But i have to admit this is a pretty epic track. it is astheticly sound and ill assume there are no glitches in the system. on that i would say that this is the best cold storage map i've seen yet
I had not been on Forge Hub for a while so I was unfamiliar with the rules. I've read them now and understand them. The map is a little sloppy in a few places because Cold Storage is really not a good forging map. But I have another great idea for a Cold Storage track that will be wider and smoother.
I've tried a couple of race tracks on cold storage but they were all not so good you hit the walls too much and its never a long track. (No DL)