I know more than a few people think this is a bad idea, but i'm going to give it one try. This weeks topic is Cold storage. Do you think it's a good map? Do you think it is worth the DL. The two postions are, point a: Cold storage is good, and point b: Cold storage is terible. Begin the debate, remember, only relvent and factual rebutles will be approved. E.G. If some one makes a valid point for one postion, I will ask the other postion to form a rebuttle, however, if some just blantley posts their opionion with no sources or proof of prior knowlage, then their post shall be ignored. Begin teh posting.
please tell me your kidding. GTFO. *offtopic moved* titmar for mod two thousand and eight bitches no seriously this is retarded and is not a debate.
No, i'm not kidding, you GTFO, you don't own forgehub like you pretend you do, god forbid the day you become a mod.
I have yet to play Cold Storage, but the lack of Forgeability and the reviews I have heard from others makes me feel like I am not missing much. I really want to se the aesthetics though.
Titmar for mod in 08'! But yeah really he is right... the debate section isnt really for debates about HALO its for RL events and news and stuff.
This debate is opinionated and stupid, I agree with Titmar. There can't be facts or proof to back this up. GTFO nao. I like Cold Storage, others don't. Just to own this argument more: SOURCE Read rule 2. /lock.