Make me a map please

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by lilmanjr25, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. lilmanjr25

    lilmanjr25 Ancient
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    alright ive gotten bored with most maps and i need something fresh, i want something big, dark, and bone chilling, but please make it as big and confusing as possible, but not a maze.i want it big for predator games. And i also want a big map that is very dark and extremly creepy for regular infection games please some one make me like a 2 or 3 story map that is just so big dark and scary ill never be able to stop playing the more maps the bigger the reward i will offer (one month xbl cards) please i want just one map that is practicaly insane but i just want it to be dark to add to the atmosphere i think avalanche would work best it would so add to that creepy cold alone in the dark feeling that im dying for in an infection game, just make it with like more then one place to hide like 2 or three bases and make it like a 2 story map i know its asking alot but the reward will be so great thank you !!!!!!!!!!!

    AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ADD "THE MLG TWITCHY" that is the account im always on thanks so much also i think Artic wasteland would be a good title thanks and man im so excited about this i have it in my head but lack the skills to make it
    Supa Midget likes this.
  2. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    You must be joking...

  3. SYkOP4Th

    SYkOP4Th Ancient
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    You want someone to make a map for you? Thats never gonna happen.
  4. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    this is the totally wrong place for this. also no one will make it for you
  5. swiftarget1983

    swiftarget1983 Ancient
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    I'll make it for him, I don't like thinking of maps anyways... Plus nobody else will, and I am trying to be nice.
  6. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Sorry, just going to correct you. This forum is for discussing the forge, you want to use the Halo Forge Maps section for publishing maps. Make sure you read the stickies (directed at lilmanjr25) before you post. Nothing leaves a better impression than someone who does something correctly the first time.

    And I'm sorry. I have never made an infection map. No one who knows forge or plays competitively doesn't like infection, and all of those kids who do like infection do not want to play on a map that is balanced (because they can't handle the fact that they suck).
  7. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    Edit: It seems that make a map has volunteered, please disregard that comment.
    #7 The Nasal Abyss x, Jul 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
  8. Make a map

    Make a map Ancient
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    Make a map at your service i don't care about the month free i just like building maps only problem dark is only able on four maps and all of them are quite bad for forging on is it ok if its on foundry?
  9. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    No *****, you make ME a map!
  10. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Wait are you asking for someone to make you a map like you've described so you can just have fun on it, or are you asking that they make it so you can take credit for it?
  11. The God of Grunge


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    for 1 month xbl card? Hell yes I'll make you a map
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Guys this is actually not a bad offer.
    Hes basically being a patron for a mapmaker.
    You make him a map he enjoys and hell give you a month of xbl free.
    Hes not taking credit he just trying to recruit/motivate someone to make the type of map he likes....foolish flamers this was an opportunity not a chance for you guys to be asshats
  13. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    This post does not and never will meet Forgehub's standards, be recognized as something someone will do, or be accepted as something not stupid. Due to this, this post has thus been all of the following 1) Reported for being a request to do something you cannot do yourself 2) -Reputation for the same as above 3) Locked because nobody will do this, nor is it a valid thing to ask on this or any other Forge-promoting website (well, I myself cannot lock this thread, but once read, it will be locked for sure). Thank you for understanding and welcome to
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Jesus whats with everyone jumping on the flame bandwagon?
    You know where real life ART would be if patronage never happened?
    No sistine chapel
    No great marble statues
    No arch du triamph
    In fact f*** all art at all really.

    He cant forge well?Fine whats wrong with him offering a reward for someone who makes a map he likes....
    For gods sake if hed said it was a contest youd all be singing his bloody praises right now.
    But instead youv all decided hes a FH n00b so he must be flamed....gods sake people
  15. ellemennt75

    ellemennt75 Ancient
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    Nicely put Supa. He just wants a map he can enjoy, and he may not be all that well at forge. Just because he asked for a map, doesn't mean everyone has to flame him.

    Lilmanjr25, next time.... You might try making a contest out of it, so you don't get flamed so badly.

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