Cold Creation is A forged map for Cold Storage. I wanted to make a CTF or bomb map and decided on a one sided CTF. This is a well thought out map, I tried to make everything fairly neat, clean, and functional. Created by The Pope16 and Sgt Rock 1994. This was my first map to post online, although I have made many others for fun. The map. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The gametype. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Sorry I couldn't find images for theSMG, mauler, or carbine so ignore those little blemishes please. A grav lift elevator to the overlooking balcony, and a teleporter to the middle. The balcony overlooking the flag spawn. It has two frags a shotgun, and a Battle Rifle. The recieving end of the defense base teleporter. The assault flag plant, and respawn. The defense flag spawn, and a starting area. You can see the teleporter, grav elevator, and two SMG's. The all seeing eye, plus a grav lift on either side, and a carbine and a BR on top. Defend the flag at all costs. A bridge spaning what was a gap. I have worked out all the bumps so you do pop up in the air when you run across it. The sides have been divided for more intense fighting. A great defensive position at the bridge crossing.
i dont like cold storage in general and this is no better in my opinion, all i can c different is some grave lifts and some weapons. maybe some better pics...
True, I left a few pictures off, I will add them in a moment. I guess I took a few pictures of the wrong spot.
Looks descent. I myself do like Cold Storage, i just hope you altered the spawns, If you did it would be much better. I also would like to see some more pictures too. OTher than that nice work!
could you please post the weapon list, with all of their settings(respawn, clips etc.) otherwise, I disregard this. No offense.
I added more pictures, and yes there are completely new spawn points, I made a canvas for this map, so almost nothing is the same. I'm working on an overhead weapon placement pic at the moment.
+REP for the first Cold Storage map I have seen. I have yet to play it but this map des not appeal to me. There is nothing that great in it. I would love to see more structural changes and less grav. lifts. Thats all for now.
Yeah, this just looks like a rehash of Cold Storage, and to be brutally honest, it makes the map look bad.
Nice job.Cold storage is very tough for forger ,therefore making a decent map.But this map looks simple and fun but I have some suggestipons to make it better. 1.The two walls closing off that middle balcony shoudl turn into 3 walls all interlocked. 2.I think you shoudl take use of the top area where the flood bubble is because you can walk on it. But great job and hopefully if you make a version 2 this will be in it.
I fI could get a bit more advice on how to improve it like playahata said, I can make a V2. Overview up soon.
Nada The flood is coming lol i havent played cold storage yet, but from what others say, its good and bad at the same time.
looks like a good map but its not great because cold storage is not an easy map to forge with. good job on good work on a not so good map to forge on. 4/5
This is pretty good first cold storage map i have seen the idea seems pretty fun and although i dispise team slayer and ffa on cold storage this makes ctf look like fun i will try it out and hope for the best
best cold storage forge map i have seen yet keep up the good work we all know there isnt much to work with but you still did a great job
I am looking to get some playtesters together, so I can get opinions on what needs to be there and what doesn't for the V2 release. So PM me your gamertag, if you are interested in helping.
It is differernt than the default by a great deal, the map is just so small It is hard to show good pictures.