Map Making, or Forging as we know it, is the art of placing objects in a precise, or very random, pattern of sorts to make something very playable and very fun. Some people spend hours upon hours upon days simply getting their map perfect. Others take a few hours to a day to make a map. Every single map has it's own uniqueness and time it took to make it.To get o the point of the post I am wondering if you make maps really fast, how long, or really slow? I am also wondering if you do not DL maps simply for the time taken to make them.
Really damn slow. I tend to be very careful when it comes to placing objects, and I'll often go back and redo a section to straighten or better interlock something.
maps take me awhile too. But some of the simpler ones only require about 4 hours max. There are plenty of 5 second maps that I'd download, and there are some week-long maps that I would never download. It's not all about interlocking (as I'm starting to find this forum is obsessed with) but creativity.
Longer than it should The main reason it takes so incredibly long to make a clean looking map, is that there are no "snap to" positions for objects. At least give us 180, 90, and 45 degrees. The tedious process of perfectly aligning object is where the time goes. Seems like more creative maps would come if the majority of time was spent on the creative side instead of on alignment.
I would say that a really good forge map takes should take the majority of its time in the forgers mind. For me the best forge maps are those that are creative and take a lot of thought. I really despise people who do sub-par remakes of other maps from previous games or when people just start throwing boxes togeather and then say "oh is hould make a map out of this". People the design process is the most important. just my opinion tho
i hate making maps. i get these urges to make one, and be like look forgehub hub, i actually made on! ill get like half way through and just give up cause its sooo damn time consuming, and sooooo aggravating. im a very impatient ugh. thats all i have to say.
I don't really do short term projects, I've only done about 4 maps ever, and 2 serious ones, I still spend time going back and correcting them. When I'm building a map it generally takes a while, around 6-10 hours a day for weeks at the most (but I don't generally forge everyday, just most, within that time). I just feel that if I'm not truly happy with the map then the time was wasted, mediocre maps are so easily overshadowed by the mass of good ones that, if it isn't forged as well as I am able to do it, then I might as well not bother. Maybe its just that I'm really obsessive though. Probably.
I have taken hours and hours to make a map and i have taken a few minutes to put only a few things into a map and i may like them and play them both about the same amount. but the only consideration that i have on DL different maps are the pics taken and posted of them if i don't like the teaser i wont get the map because they are just like advertisments and they make me want to get the map. or should
REALLY REALLY REEAALLYY slow. I started a map back in February lol I not done yet I not even that good at forging lol I just rarely forge my own maps. but meh I prefer admiring other people's work cough Tex cough cosmic cough shock ... cough. but I don't download a lot of maps because of the time spent unless i recognize the author sometimes even by the title i can tell it will be a good map -{N}Nivlac