Ok here's a map i made just after getting the map packs i'm not that good but its a fun map with lots of twists and turns, fully stocked bases hidden area's and pretty good defencive area's, hope u enjoy. Here is a few screenshots... Here is that map link, hope lots of people like it http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16666449 Thx for the time and for the other users that helped me find my way around the site and other techniques for making this thread
Don't worry you're learning. Make sure to post the links to the Bungie.net threads and also give us a nice detailed description including what your map is good for and such. I like how you put the bridge in the crane, looks interesting. I do not like the turret placement however. I'd say the use of them would be minimal in the position they are in. People would more likely rip them off and get them as a to go order. Just fix this post and you'll have a nice map. You're almost there. Thanks.
Could you point out 'Which' Rules i have missed out or broken so that i can change my thread so that it fall under 'correct layout' for a thread. In my eyes i've followed them all but you have more experience on this forum than me so please point out my mistakes tyvm
This map isn't very neat. The walls are sideways, you should've interlocked. Besides that, the you could have had better screen shots. I still don't know what over 1/2 your map looks like. And we need a thorough description of your map.
FOUNDRY 002 Ok here's a map i made just after getting the map packs i'm not that good but its a fun map with lots of twists and turns, fully stocked bases hidden area's and pretty good defensive area's, hope u enjoy. map download Description: INSERT FULL/DETAILED DESCRIPTION HERE. screenshots Your screenshots here. this makes it look neater and easier to read.
The bridge placement on the crane is interesting. I don't think I've ever seen someone do that before. As for the rest of the level you might want to consider tidying it up a little. Try using our Forging 101 tutorials found in the navigation menu on the left.
first map... sorry guys, i'm making a new one now it'll be alot neater and i'll keeps that crane platform + grav lift, thx for the advice and i'll get going with the new map
Can anyone tell me a solution to the piles of garbage on the floor in 'FOUNDRY' its anoying when it makes things go sideways e.g. walls. Anyone got a solution they could tell me?
The piles of garbage do nothing, they are flat textures. You just need to take time and use double boxes to help keep your walls from turning sideways.
i really dont know what this map is about... it is your first and its a lot better than my first :squirrel_wink:
thx for the heads up on the wallz, i'm making a new map now, this one took me just over 5 hours and the one i'm making now has already gone over 3 days, making it ALOT!! neater and adding some new inative idea's i've taken from other games and also taken some of my friends idea's into account. Hope that it will be a good map for a wide range of games, i dont think that flags would come into that tho, esp. on a foundry map.
yeh, i look at it and get the main point but i just cant seem to grasp it, maybe and idea is for the Guilders to make a video or something so that i can get the idea alittle better.