Nice South Park reference. I c wat u did thar. And yeah, Bungie <3's me. Anyway, as for a co-forge, there's no way in hell we'd work on it at the same time. It'd be like an "I work on one part, put it on my share. You download it off my share, add some stuff, put it on your share." sort of shebang.
This is a sweet map! Love it! I am curious however. How do you Geo-lock things at an angle like you did there with a bridge. I try to get all the forge tips I can so I make great maps like you guys some day =) (That was a really cheesy statement =P) But could someone tell me how to Geo Lock at an angle like that? Downloaded map btw! Great Job!!
WOW! thanks guys! i thought my map had died! anyway.. answering replies... dude thats like the main feature! how did you not know!? yes, that is exactly why shotty snipers is one of the best games for it maybe... i'll have to show you that map im working on now... i could use some help on it right now. that was one of the changes i made but didnt get a pic of. i took out one of the turrets and put just one in the middle. the turret is definitely not overpowered in playtests now. the geomerging wasnt that hard actually. all i did was stick a receiver node under the wall and stick a door in the wall and did the normal geomerge. and thanks for the positive comment!
honestly, why is this not featured yet? I don't think I've ever said that about a map, but I've gotten so many ideas from it, and it broke up my 1 month break from forge. Just a great map in all aspects.
This looks great. The Asthetics are awesome and it looks like a game of one flag or one bomb would be intense.
thanks man. and im not quite sure i remember man. one of them might be you, but i definitely can't remember at all who was in these screenshots. lol wow thanks, im glad i passed on some ideas, i would like to see some maps with destructable stuff not made by me, my next map will have some more of this too (if i ever get it done...) and nobody should be disappointed. im aiming on giving the games a campaign mission feel to it (which is very epic) the one flag and one bomb SHOULD be intense, but to be honest, one bomb can be a little sketchy at times, one flag plays better. thanks wow, i wasnt expecting so much people to say that. ya, i've noticed a flaw or two in the map... i could fix them up real easy, but im not really up to it... but thanks for the heads up man
I like those windows! I like the balcony area thigny with the windows in front of it... sickkkk! You have my D/L
thanks Dragon, means a lot comin from you. since when are you an admin again? anyway, i wish i could've thought of a better name... i was braindead that day, but hey, the map was a success. thanks again.
you have 1 great lookin map, I love the destructible tower it stands out from other maps it looks good, i hope it plays well...... DL 4 meh
thanks. i think i'll keep commenting on this map for about a week. then i'll keep my focus on my newest map Coldburn
good job, this looks awesome, gameplay seems extremely fun, i love it. Great idea, nice job with this one. way to go my friend.