Map Title: Quarantine CS Download Map Download Gametype Description: This is the cs version of Cold Storage its similar the the Legendary CS Map Pack's maps. it has two watchtowers on either side of the main room and a bridge connecting to two sides as well as more cover and access. Weapons: 2xSnipers 1xSword 2xMaulers 2xSMG 2xPlasma Rifle watch tower on the monitor side Floor of main room Attacker Exit Bridge Defender start Defender Exit lower Have fun and tell me what ya think Wmcr8AfroNinja
Please excuse my comment. The map looks good, and im sure you worked hard on it. Its just bungie didnt give us barely anything good to use on forge for CS....
While I may agree with the others that Cold Storage may not offer much in forge for those who wish to create a map within a map {i.e. Maps on Foundry or Avalanche.}, it has ample resources for determined forgers to do what Bungie originally intended Forge for, to alter the way a map plays, by adding a catwalk here or blocking a route there. Getting back on topic, it looks like you have created a fairly solid map to go with your predetermined gametype. In other words it's good for a map made for a gametype, not the other way around.
eh i hate cold storage altogether an epic fail but the map in front of me is pretty good except the need for a little bit of interlocking in the ramps and such
awesome map, when i first DL'd Cold storage, i thought it would be practically unforgable, but this map proved me wrong.