Chill Out Cold Storage with Chill Out's layout Slayer and Oddball works best 2-8 players Basically I've edited the weapons and objectives on Cold Storage so they are in their original places. I've also blocked off the doorways in the curved corridor. Not really my favorite map but I just felt like sharing it with my fellow forge hub-ers. Though it's funnier than Cold Storage. Nothing else to say about the map, actually. Changes: • Flame thrower added, 10 seconds • Rocket is on 60 seconds • Shotty is on 60 seconds too • A needler added, pick one up and you will pick up both. 20 seconds • Equipment has been removed • One plasma rifle has been set to 20 seconds • Sniper is on 10 seconds • Doorways in curved corridor have been blocked off • Objectives moved or deleted • Battle Rifle has been replaced by Magnums, 30 seconds There's not really anything special to show, but I took some pics anyway: BOOMheadshot!!! -Mom what's for dinner? -Our speciality; Spartan BBQ. Finally united Oh crap! Reload. The wrath of the pink guy will soon be revealed .... Download Chill Out
Not to be ferretness or anything but you spelled oddball wrong at the top you spelled it odball instead of oddball
hahaha i was waitin for someone to post it ( chill out classic)! haah nice Edit: oh and u even got the needler part right!, but did u replace that br with the dual magnums ? you might have forgot lol if u did this isnt true chill out lol Edit: i didnt see the weapon list... so u did get the magnums.. great work
I don't remember a Flamethrower being in the FIRST Chill Out. (It might've been in the PC vers. but not the X-box vers.)
hmmm...... what exaclty did u do? it looks like u added the energy blockers and a couple of weapons, and mabye changed objective spawns. but i guess it's not too bad, because u probably used the PC layout, which i have not seen yet. not bad, 3.5/5
I have the MAC version and I believe its the same. because CE doesn't have a flamethrower Im pretty sure.
Halo CE had a flamethrower but it was a pretty bad weapon, the flames would bounce off the wall and set you on fire! It didn't take long for someone to do this! At least the first one I see is probably the best I'll see! 4/5
I had the same idea for this...Me and my friend made one that's somewhat the same, but they have their differences. Nice Job.
Yay! I'm the blue guy in the pictures!!! lol Yeah. This was a very fun map to play. I never played the original Chill Out, so I couldn't tell you if you did a good job remaking it. You should check out any pictures titled "King of the Hill" in my file share, and you can add them to your thread if you want. They are really cool.
omfg please don't double post as for the map it had to be done eventually you just got there there first. good job
Hmmm that is quite interesting. But.... yeah, I know that the flamethrower is from the PC version, I liked Custom Edition better, completely new maps. Anyways, um... are those spawn times for the weapons accurate? Cause holy crap, flamethrower for ten seconds?
this looks like it would be a good map. i'm not too sure about the whole flamethrower thing but it prolly wont be that big of a deal seeing as how its not that bad on construct. Anyway, way to go making a good remade map on Cold Storage