Undertow is supposed to be a really good game and from what ive seen it is. But it seem microsoft picked the game that tons of people had already bought so they could save some cash. I feel bad for the people who bought undertow. They get nothing
Yea im glad i didnt buy that game already... Im happy they didnt pick Omega Five... cuz i already bought it but i guess they wouldnt pick that since it is too hardcore for people.
I like the idea of getting some MS points instead... then I can just put it to the next batch of DLC from Bungie! Or maybe a rental of 300...
I got it and it is really repetitive. You just do the same thing every level. I only kept playing it because I wanted a few more of the achievements.
Dude... So yea, tdf and i downloaded this and decide to do some co-op first to check it out... This game blows lol. Totally un-fun. Boring. Thanks MS. *middle finger*
Even being able to pick what arcade game we wanted would be better than just getting Undertow. I would have preferred points though.
I recommend Small Arms. Ever play Fur Fighters on the Sega Dreamcast? Yeah its almost just like that except for the side scroll play of Small Arms compared to Fur Fighters full world.