LEVIATHAN (By: D00MZDAY & xX RAIN Xx) Click Here To Download LEVIATHAN Leviathan is a original, symmetrical map created mainly for FFA, but also great for TS, and CTF. The map plays a lot like Sanctuary, Derelict, and Wizard, where there is a lot of cover but also a lot of open area. There are two high towers on the sides making map control possible but not easy. All weapons are used by MLG. Pictures: This map is fully designed and completely set up in every way for the following game types: All Gametypes
Hmm, I like the fact that it looks like it could feel like wizard, without being a total remake of it. Queued. Also, download link doesn't bring to thread, use this instead of your current link: Code: [url=http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16474629]here[/url] Checked, this link leads to your thread.
Is it me, or is everyone using the Grifball Map walls to build their maps? Don't answer that. It's rhetorical.
This map looks really cool. I don't understand the title though. If you are refering to the biblical usage, I'm a little flustered. leviathan |l??v????n| noun (in biblical use) a sea monster, identified in different passages with the whale and the crocodile (e.g., Job 41, Ps. 74:14), and with the Devil (after Isa. 27:1).
I downloaded it, and I am really pleased with it. The map is very professional and well put together. My only problems with it are that the Active Camo is a bit to hard to get to without being gunned down, and on the ring of the perimeter there isn't much cover or many weapons. Over all though, the excellent design makes it well worth it.
Looks pretty cool seeing all of these maps makes me wanna finish some of my pretty good maps :squirrel_wink: