Continued... But the problem with all fortress maps. is no one wants to listen to any one. They want to listen to the leader who in their mind is them. Theres a slim chance that you could harbor all the people into an effective defense.
Not only that, but Halo is hardly a tactical shooter. Sure, tactics HELP but laying prone and sniping people to lead them into an ambush doesn't work as well in Halo as in Call of Duty. And everyone seems to think because they have shields they are some invincible Rambo ready to kill everyone and PWN singlehandedly. Funny, the Warcraft 3 guys would follow directions when told, and would win when they did. But Halo guys can't. Offense is easier.
ok there was alot of critisism there so ill try to answer them all, like i said i completely forgot to add an exploding wall (which im still kicking myself about), i couldnt make the wall any higher, because any higher and it would have reached the maps invisible ceiling, and finally, to add in all the stuff u guys r suggesting i would have need a bigger budget, eg glittering caves, i thought tat the castle itself looked alot like helms deep, but there was simply not enough objects or a big enough budget to add in all the specific details
This map and your Minas Terith look too similar to me. Kinda looks like one is an improved version of the other...