Map Title: Echo Complex An objective based map with two bases and one center, nuetral structure. Download Map Description: This map was thought up as a divided map with 3 structures and only 1 way for vehicles to get to the apposing base. One base is large and highly defendable while the other is small and a bit more vulnerable. The more vulnerable base makes up for this with a "wraith turret" as a defensive platform just beyond the center wall. The center structure has 3 levels while each base has 2. Inside the center structure's lowest level are shield doors as well as the sword, while the upper levels are more open and the highest one has a turret and a sniper which can be used both offensively or defensively. This map also works well for FFA gametypes but is recommended for Assault and CTF variants. Screenshots - Click to Enlarge
Looks like nothing new to me in particular but I like how the map appears to be neat and well done. A good post as well. Nice job.
I try to stick to well layed out and playable maps rather than amazing structures and new ideas. As long as the map plays like a fun map, thats what matters to me, not initial wow factors.
Really, I have yet to see one unless mine was stolen. I made this pretty much right after I got the maps.