Raven Hollow

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Legolastom, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Legolastom

    Legolastom Ancient
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    Raven hollow “Most have fled to try and escape the infection, but those that do stay take up refuge and arms in the cities and towns that have been abandoned.”

    Short description:This is a map intended for infection with 4-12 players (But you can always play with more). This map requires that the humans do a lot more than just shoot the zombies to stay alive.

    Backstory:“A deadly disease has spread throughout the planet, a parasite gains controls of peoples minds and gives them a hunger and urge for human flesh. There is no known cure and if you fall prey to one of these creatures you join the ranks of their undead horde. Billions have fled to the stars in massive evacuation frigates, but some were left behind and they struggle for their lives everyday to fight the darkness that has embraced the earth.Every six months several small carrier class spaceships fly back to earth and land in the few space ports that are left, in hope that they can find and rescue some of the survivors.Those that have not been found take up refuge and arms in the cities and towns that have been abandoned during the mass evacuations.”

    In depth description:This map along with the gametype has several layers and numerous strategies, so I will just tell you about the components one at a time.

    Alley ways/streets: These are the main parts of the level; they are where the humans are the most vulnerable but they also hold 2 of the 4 supply containers and some valuable weapons, not to mention it is the place where you start and where you go if you fall from the upper floors. When exploring this area it becomes very tense, as there could be a zombie (Or three) around every corner, there could be a zombie (Or three) creeping up behind you and there could be a zombie (Or four :O) stalking you from the rooftops. [​IMG]
    Upper level and base: The base is where the humans start off, it contains a shield wall with a valuable weapon behind it , a stack of fusion coils with a supply container next to them and some barrels for cover. Then there are stairs which lead to the second floor it contains another good weapon and even a boarded up window but the second floor of the base has two access points to the upper levels of the map, one is a tunnel which contains an AR and leads to the walkways on the further end of the map, while the other is right at the top of the stairs, and is an open spot in he wall with a turret in front. The upper parts of the level contain a few weapons, one active camo and one supply container. They also have access points to the clock tower and a few of the buildings. [​IMG] Clock tower and roofs: The clock tower gives you a view of the entire area of the map and contains one sniper rifle (If you run out of ammo you can steal the “Hands” of the clock, and also grab a trip mine while your at it), you wont be able to see all of the streets bellow but you should be able to snipe at the ones immediately in front of you and other points of the map. The roofs are only accessible by the Zombies (if you jump from the stairs you should be able to reach one of the roof tops) because of their superior jumping abilities. I didn’t allow the humans up there because of the fact it became the most broken part of the map. Being on the roof gives the Zombies another advantage over the humans, because from up there they would be able to drop down on someone in the alleyways instantly.
    [​IMG] Respawn settings: I placed the humans respawns around the base and all over the streets and alleyways of the city, so if you do manage to kill yourself or get killed by your “Allies” then your right in the zombies path so I suggest you either 1. Run really fast 2. Steal all of the supply containers so you’re protected and your “Allies” start to run low on health or 3. Sneak so the alpha zombie can’t see you with its super keen sense of close range smell detector sense thingamabob or something. And the zombies respawn on the outside of the city, that’s near to the truck crash and next to the two big red doors on foundry (So there are no damn spawn campers). [​IMG]
    *Note in the map there is a bridge leading up to the boarded up window, so the zombies can look at the humans*

    Movement: The humans move at normal speed but jump with a 150% gravity, that is to remove taking shortcuts to certain parts of the map and make the experience of falling into the streets/alleyways all that more tense (Also to remove access to certain broken parts of the map). The Zombies on the other hand have 125% speed and normal gravity, the speed gives them an advantage if they are chasing unsuspecting (Or not) humans and the normal gravity allows them to take a few shortcuts around the map, and access to the roof. [​IMG]

    Health: The humans have the advantage here, as they will take two hits from a sword lunge before dieing (But no recharging shield) and can also heal themselves using the one of three supply containers that respawn every three minutes, this gives a sense of being wounded from an earlier attack. But that’s not to mean a Zombie won’t be able to kill someone in their first encounter, as a zombie (If he catches the person off guard) may be able to kill the person with two successive sword strikes. The zombies have no shields and 90% damage resistance, so they die easily, but if they are a good zombie, you will most likely see them by the time they are close enough to inflict damage. [​IMG]

    Weapons and ammo: Most of the weapons on the map are weak dual wieldable weapons, which have barely any ammo in them, so you cant go about gunning the zombies down, you have to conserve ammo and not just rely on your guns… even though it doesn’t take that much to kill a zombie. Also the guns have long respawn times as well. [​IMG]

    Supplies: The supplies that I have mentioned several times earlier are just overshields. But not only do they temporarily increase your shields (Not for long though, so it doesn’t make you that overpowered) but it also restores your shields back to full charge, so if you are wounded it is vital you seek one of these out or it will only take one more hit from a zombie to kill you. Now there are only 3 on the level and all of them put you in the immediate danger of getting killed by the zombies. Now the zombies can steal the supplies thus stopping you from healing yourself, but it gives them the same movement stats as humans (150% gravity and 100% movement) thus taking away their physical advantage. And because zombies have no shields it doesn’t change their health at all. [​IMG]

    So I hope you download and enjoy my map. Be sure to tell me what you think as well.

    Download the map
    Download the gametype

    Also I have to give thanks to Caael for placing most of the weapons and respawns, and also helping me test the map and giving me a few ideas for the map. [​IMG] I haz see you!

    Sorry for the threads layout, this website seems to have messed up the layout.
    #1 Legolastom, Jul 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
  2. Oddisey

    Oddisey Ancient
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    This looks like a pretty good map type and a good design too. but the only thing that stood out were the odd pics. 3.7/5
  3. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    Looks like a REALLY well thought out infection map , i love the idea of health packs and the zombie roof jumping. I would definitely download but im all qued up until saturday but i will dl when i get back , excellent job 5/5.
  4. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Reminds me a lot of Turf and it's a great map at representing streets and ally ways. Good job! 4/5
  5. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
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    nice map layout like the pics.
    great design 5/5
  6. Legolastom

    Legolastom Ancient
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    Thanks guys, I wanted to make a game where it was fun for Humans and Zombies and eliminated most camping spots (Even if someone attempts to camp in the open area the Zombies can jump from the higher levels or just Zerg rush them).

    By the way something weird happened once when I was playing this level with a lot of people, there was a breif moment of lag when I booted someone and on the second level there was a pink spartan just standing there, he wasnt a player just a character model, weird.
  7. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    nice map everything looks very organized.
  8. The God of Grunge


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    Ok, so you got an infection map, but I really don't think anything here makes it stand out from the bland-ness of most infection maps, so a 3/5
  9. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    its ok
    i think it could be a little better cause it has nothing new to it
  10. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Firs off I wanna say very nice description. It was very informative,had a good story, and good pics. Now onto the map. 5/5 just from the pics and description. Very nice layout and good spawn placement. I also like the gametype. It makes it way more realistic. 5/5 and a DL from me. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more infection maps from you.
  11. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Looks great for a non-interlocking map, but couldve made it better if u interlockd looks fun to play also. I really like the under part of this map. =]
  12. ub3rtuba

    ub3rtuba Ancient
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    very good looking map and a brilliant story. I may not have an xbox currently but i am definitely recommending this, right up there w/ the mall map for dead rising
    Randle Scandal likes this.
  13. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Could be good but the story sounds a lot like I AM LEGEND, just with flying space vehicles. Looks good for the gametype
  14. Crouchaldhino

    Crouchaldhino Ancient
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    looks fun and whats withppl giving wierd ratings like 3.7/5 or 4.2/5. lol

    I'd give this a like 4/5 from lookin at the screens but i might test it out later.
  15. Caael

    Caael Ancient
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    Co-creator here, this map was inspired by Ravenholm from Half-Life 2, if anybody is interested. We wanted to make a map that got across the tension and fear created by that level. Subtle details such as the rooftops and the barriers preventing people leaving are just a few similarities taken from the level.
  16. AlexBloodlust

    AlexBloodlust Ancient
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    Sounds good I will try it, only thing that bothered me were the lots of pictures of people instead of the map.

    P.S. I can't find the link to download the map.
    #16 AlexBloodlust, Jul 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2008
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  17. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    great name, wonderful description, and awesome pictures. a must download for all.
  18. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    This looks pretty good and pretty fun. The gameplay will be spread out I guess and the limited weapons keep humans from dominating. Maybe now you could make a version two with more features to it. Personally i would like to see more aesthetics on all maps. Maybe make the streets look like streets by putting upside down bridges on the ground. Also change up the building materials so everything isn't all grey. I know this is hard but it pays off to make things look better
  19. Legolastom

    Legolastom Ancient
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    Might consider making a sequal (Even though this is really the third version), thanks for all the download and comments.

    If we do make another one we will most probably use the infinate money glitch and give the map a lot more features.
  20. Moosebomber

    Moosebomber Ancient
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